Forum Replies Created
Thanks for the heads-up on the User Role Editor plugin. I was faced with the same dilemma as mrmclen and this worked perfectly for me.
Any chance of a future version of OQP having a frontend option for editing posts? Perhaps limit that capability to editing only the post on which the “Edit” link appears. TDO-Mini-Forms has that option, but no visual editor… I prefer yours ??
Great plugin, thank you!
Just thought I’d post a hearty thanks & congratulations for a brilliant plugin. I’ve been recommending Widget Logic to users of my themes, but they now have a much easier solution. Thanks again!
Make sure the call to wp_footer is present in the footer.php file of your theme. The adminbar depends on that; if it’s not there, nothing’s going to work.
Also, if you can provide a link to your site, I could take a look.
Sorry for taking so long to respond.
I’ve been very busy with theme development lately. You may be interested in this one because it enables you to customize just about everything (including sidebars, login, search, menu, etc…)
Details here: https://buddylite.com/
I’ll be updating the plugin so it can allow that (it can be done in themes, so why not plugins?)
I’m currently busy with some theme development (details at https://buddylite.com/ ) so it’ll be a few weeks before I get to it though.
There will be a few more enhancements too. If you have other suggestions, please post them here: https://buddypress.org/community/groups/add-all-nav-links-to-bp-adminbar/forum/topic/what-would-you-like-to-see-in-the-next-update/
PS – Sorry for taking so long to respond ??
Good idea!
Hi again Ovidiu,
If all you want is to hide those links in the adminbar, but keep the features active, you can do so by adding a simple ruleset to your stylesheet:
#wp-admin-bar ul li.no-arrow, #wp-admin-bar li#bp-adminbar-chat-menu {display:none;}
This will hide the main menu items for BP-Chat and Cubepoints, while keeping them available in the “My Account” dropdown.
Note that if you’re running a multisite install, the “Chat” menu item will still be in the adminbar on sub-blogs, which is good ‘cuz members can still launch the shoutbox from there.
Let me know if this works for you ??
EDIT: Important! This will also hide the Login and Signup links on the main site. So make sure you have those links somewhere else in your theme. They will, however, remain active on sub-blogs.
Hi Ovidiu,
No, the plugin does not overwrite the adminbar; it adds to it.
But if the other plugins that “inject” their menu items into it are Buddypress plugins (like BP-Gallery, BP-Links, etc), then those links will be added to the “Community” dropdown menu.
So your customizations should still hold. Best way to know for sure is to install the plugin and try it out.
Let me know how it goes ??
To Josh, William and anyone else experiencing the headache of no menus appearing…
Found the bug and squashed it!
The conditional statement that was being used to identify and target the main site/blog was at the heart of the problem.
Hi again William,
In “BP-WP-Navbar Configuration” under “Feature Options”, are “Add WordPress pages/menus” and “Add Buddypress components” enabled?
In “Appearance” > “Menus”, did you select which menu appears in each location in the “Theme Locations” area, save theme locations, then save the menu again?
Hi William,
Here are a few questions that need answers to help track down what might be buggering up the plugin:
1 – What version of BP are you using?
2 – What theme are you using – child theme of bp-default or custom?
3 – Are you running WP, WPMU, WP3 (single or multisite)?
4 – Do you have any other plugins installed that affect the bp-adminbar?
5 – Have you modified the styles in adminbar.css in any way, or added any styling rules to your theme’s style.css that affect the bp-adminbar?
6 – Could you provide a link to your site?Oops! Forgot to update this thread.
The repo is updated with the new version 2.1 which includes all the functionality described (see the FAQ).
OK. Maybe this will help move things along. I’ve updated the beta for the next version of this plugin and added a lot more functionality and configuration options to the admin panel. The beta is available for download from my site (it hasn’t been added to the WP repository yet).
It’s been tested in various live and development environments, both WP2.x and 3.x, and it works just fine. Here’s a screenshot of what you can expect in the admin area:
https://i33.tinypic.com/2nvea8j.jpgNote that if you’re running 3.x, you no longer have to define the custom menu labels in the plugin, it will fetch whatever labels you have assigned to your menus. Plus, the plugin will recognize up to 5 distinct WP3.x menus.
You can download this beta version from my site here: https://nowrecovery.com/downloads/add-all-nav-links-to-bp-adminbar2.1beta2.zip
You can also see a working demo on my site: https://nowrecovery.com
Hope this works for you.
Silly question here: did you save the menus you created? WP3.0 is funny that way… if you don’t save every time you make a change, it doesn’t seem to work.
Hi again Joshua!
Thanks for the screencast… I see what the problem is.
What you were doing works just fine: hide or show the site name, visit random menu and main theme nav.
To get your WP menu items to also show in your new navbar, you must copy the title of each menu to the appropriate field in “Settings” > “BP-WP-Navbar”.
The next version of this plugin will do that automatically, but for now, it has to be done manually.