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  • Thread Starter pcgs51


    Doing it right now. I’ll be back soon. Thanks for responding and posting the link.

    Thread Starter pcgs51


    Thanks so much toyNN! I have no idea what I would have done without your help.

    Thread Starter pcgs51


    I’m pretty happy with these numbers, but I bet there is still some room to improve without going to a CDN just yet.

    Yes, I have Page Caching on:

    Checked: Don’t cache pages for logged in users
    Checked: Cache home page
    Checked: Cache feeds…
    Unchecked: Cache URIs with query string variables
    Unchecked: Cache 404 (not found) pages

    I FTPed to that pgcache directory and do see how there are now files there. Previously I’ve seen it empty.

    Okay, I get it (sort of) now. Do I need to Enable the Preview Mode to edit the site from here on out? Like updating plugins, or editing content on a page?

    Thread Starter pcgs51


    Installed the PageSpeed plugin to Firebug. Now I see several files that don’t seem to have caching on other parent pages. The home page has a few uncached but not as many as the other pages. However, the home page is rating 88 and the other pages are now at 90. So that’s pretty good.

    I don’t know what it means to have the page cache purged constantly. Are you referring to turning the Preview on or off or W3TC on or off?


    Thread Starter pcgs51


    Yes, it is much better thanks to you! I will mark this as resolved soon but am hoping for more results and figure I shouldn’t change this threads status just yet.

    Grabbing the PageSpeed plugin shortly (have and use FireBug).

    How does one “re-deploy” W3TC? The ‘Deploy’ button was only offered to me the one time and I haven’t seen it since. If I turn off W3TC will that button return? I tried turning off other plugins earlier today and see that when I do anything to my site, that W3TC offers the opportunity to ‘purge cache.’ Which I do.

    Thread Starter pcgs51


    SILLY me! Its just that I’ve been to the plugins page reading and re-reading hoping to find a hint.

    Okay I see the one for the root .htaccess. I even see some “ExpiresByType” rules. Copied them, pasted into the root .htaccess file, logged out and went to PageSpeed for another test.

    NOW we made some progress! I see that the list of images needing expiration dates has been shortened by about half and the score went from 75 to 85, thanks!

    I also see re-write rules for the .htaccess located here: wp-content/w3tc/min/.htaccess AND for wp-content/w3tc/pgcache/.htaccess . But those rules are in place. So those two are handled.

    Well toyNN, I sure would like to know why the 18 remaining images do not have expiration dates. You can see the report here.

    I will understand if you are tired of this issue and I thank you for helping me through this difficult situation. But I still want to understand W3TC so I can use it on other sites. Thanks again!

    Thread Starter pcgs51


    Keeping wordpress in a separate directory and moving the index.php file is a common practice you can see it here <;. Often times its recommended, commonplace and very doubtful this is the problem.

    I returned to the W3TC Installation page <; it does not display the re-write rules (I even did a ‘find’ for the word, “write” with no luck). I looked in the FAQ and Other Notes tabs too.

    Okay, now I at least know that whatever I am missing belongs in the .htaccess file at the root. But I need to see the rules so I can copy>paste them into the .htaccess.


    Thread Starter pcgs51


    I always configure my wordpress sites with the “home” page (index.php) one level above the wordpress installation directory. (Yes, I follow the Codex “Moving WordPress” instructions.) No, my site is not accessible as anything else at the root.

    There is no .htaccess file in the wordpress directory and the one that I see above it (at the root) contains only this:

    # BEGIN WordPress
    <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /
    RewriteRule ^index\.php$ – [L]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteRule . /index.php [L]

    # END WordPress`

    I checked the W3TC General Settings and yes, both “Verify rewrite rules” and “Browser cache” on that page are enabled. I also see this message at the top: “Browser caching is currently enabled.

    Also, the Browser Caching page/section. I see no red box or mention of re-write rules but then I find NO .htaccess file anywhere on my site. I do see mention of W3TC in my wp-config.php file.

    This is driving me bonkers. I would consider completely uninstalling if I could find instructions I could trust. Then I would try to reinstall it all over again. If I cannot see any improvement I see no reason to use W3TC. I also can’t believe it won’t help once the problem is found.

    This isn’t my site, its a clients and I was attempting to do a favor and hoped to learn more WordPress skills in the adventure. I’m stuck and not sure what to do. This has become the favor from you-know-where.

    I appreciate your kind help and hope you will continue to help me through this. Thanks.

    Thread Starter pcgs51


    Yes the images are within my site.

    What does switch to Resources mean? How do I do that?

    At PageSpeed if I click on the link that gives me more information about “Leverage browser caching” for my site, I see this (just a few lines, there are more):…/base.css (expiration not specified)…/bkg-body.jpg (expiration not specified)…/bkg-boxes-foot2.jpg (expiration not specified)…/bkg-footer2.png (expiration not specified)…/bkg-footer3.jpg (expiration not specified)…/bkg-navbtn-light.png (expiration not specified)

    I opened the .htaccess at the root level of my site but there isn’t anything with W3TC on it or I would have removed it as you suggested. I looked inside the directory where I have wordpress installed and don’t have a .htaccess file there. I drilled down inside the ‘wp-content’, the ‘plugins’ and the ‘w3-total-cache’ directories. If there is a .htaccess file I cannot find it. Yes, I can see invisible files and I did open the one at the root but like I said, there is no mention of W3TC in it. Where should W3TC have created it? I now see that W3TC has a ton of directories.

    Yes using a CDN would probably help but my sites are not that big and there is no reason to shoot flies with a machine gun. I want to see how W3TC handles it first. Chances are, I simply have something messed up. Thanks for your help and I hope you can point me in the right direction.

    Thread Starter pcgs51



    Thread Starter pcgs51


    PS: I’m on shared hosting and not using a CDN.

    Thread Starter pcgs51


    Thank you so much for your reply ToyNN!

    There are so many settings I hesitated to post them all. Also, I did use the “Deploy” button. I remember because I almost missed it.

    Before I post all my settings I will let you know that I checked (as you recommended) the source and and see that the html is minified and I see the W3TC slug at the bottom. The following may be more helpful:

    My PageSpeed says this:
    High priority Leverage browser caching
    I thought I was using browser caching. But I see in the main part of the page a list of 35 image files that display “(expiration not specified)” at the end of them.

    In my W3TC General settings:

    • Browser Cache is enabled

    In W3TC Browser Cache
    Media & other files settings:

    • Set expires header: checked
      Expires header lifetime: 31536000 seconds
    • Set cache control header: checked
    • Cache Control policy: cache with validation…
    • Set entity tag (eTag): unchecked
    • Set W3 Total Cache header: checked
    • Enable HTTP (gzip) compression: checked
    • Prevent caching of objects after settings change: unchecked

    I will add the other settings if it proves necessary.

    I cannot find a place in W3TC to set a expiration length of time. So perhaps this is my problem and if I can get you to show me where to fix this you won’t need to see the settings unless its in that “lifetime header” but I don’t know what that means. Any ideas?


    Thread Starter pcgs51


    After three days of pain I discovered the problem and it will probably fluster you as badly as it did me.

    First they told me to edit the ini file and I did. Then they told me I had to wait 24 hours for the servers to update (I knew this was wrong but what could I do?)

    NO, it WILL NOT work tomorrow. What I finally did was call support and bite my tongue until it bled so I wouldn’t swear at them and got the support dude to stay on the line until they gave me a believable answer.

    Here it is: You used to be able to import .sql files over 2MB in size but no more. GoDaddy is now cutting off shared server accounts (one by one without notice) from this ability and while editing the .ini file will help with FTP uploads it will not help you with the phpMyAdmin database imports. You must either break up your import to smaller sizes (which I have no idea how) or learn how to upload your .sql file to the _db_backups directory and then do restore of your database. It actually works great. You can do this through the panel just before you enter phpMyAdmin where you see the list of available databases.

    Anyway, if you are a GoDaddy shared hosting customer, that is the scoop as of June 2011. I just saved you a couple of days of waiting because not all the support people know about this so you could waste a lot of time begging for help.


    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: You got Owned

    Looks like you’ve been hacked.

    Thread Starter pcgs51


    I hadn’t edited the permissions as they were on my localhost. So I believe they were 000.

    I only copied the index.php and the .htaccess files and moved them up one level inside the established site directory in MAMP.

    I had a backup of the localhost site (before everything went bad) and uploaded it to a remote server and then did the same steps and everything worked fine. So I managed to download a copy of the site and re-installed it on my localhost. Its now working fine except for a couple of relative addressing issues to iron out.

    I will mark this as solved. Thanks for asking.

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