I’ve had the same message, the cause was due to the “complex name” of my DB:
i’ve created the DB “wp_4.1”.
Then What’s the hell going on ?????
The DOT between 4 and 1! Why?
open the file wp-content/plugins/all-in-one-wp-security-and-firewall/admin/wp-security-database-menu.php and go to line 542:
the SQL request is : $list_tables_sql = “SHOW TABLES FROM {$database};”
then the SQL expression don’t take the entire name “wp_4.1” because the variable {$database} is not “protected” …..
To resolve that little bug, add a “`” character (ALT Gr + 7) around {$database} variable!
then you have the new line: $list_tables_sql = “SHOW TABLES FROM ‘{$database}’;”
It works for me ??