Peter Baylies
Forum Replies Created
Hi Cat Man,
Yes, All in One SEO Pack works just fine in a multisite environment. What is your website, are you using the XML Sitemap module, and are your sub-site users using it as well? If that’s the issue you’re encountering, then you can fix it with a line of code…
add_filter( 'aiosp_sitemap_child_urls', '_return_empty_array' );
Hi stormymondays,
The og:description does not use the excerpt here; this is in part due to the fact that the og:description is allowed to be longer than the regular meta description as well. If you’d like to have it use the excerpt, here’s some code you can add to a plugin or to the functions.php file in your theme:
add_filter( 'aiosp_opengraph_meta', 'stormy_filter_description', 10, 3 ); function stormy_filter_description( $value, $type, $field ) { if ( $field == 'description' ) { global $post; if ( !empty( $post ) ) $excerpt = $post->post_excerpt; if ( !empty( $excerpt ) ) $value = $excerpt; } return $value; }
Hi chiara7,
I think you’ve got it figured out now. Here’s how you can add an author to the Front Page:
add_filter( 'aioseop_google_author', 'chiara7_author_on_front' ); function chiara7_author_on_front( $author ) { if ( empty( $author ) && is_front_page() ) { global $aioseop_options, $post; if ( !empty( $post ) && isset( $post->post_author ) && empty( $aioseop_options['aiosp_google_disable_profile'] ) ) $author = get_the_author_meta( 'googleplus', $post->post_author ); if ( empty( $author ) && !empty( $aioseop_options['aiosp_google_specify_publisher'] ) ) $author = $aioseop_options['aiosp_google_specify_publisher']; } return $author; }
Hi chiara7,
This is expected behavior; we specifically do not show author on the front page, because the front page isn’t an article, it’s a website, so it makes sense to have publisher there. If you’d still like to change this behavior, we do have filters in the plugin for both publisher and author (author uses the aioseop_google_author filter), so I could provide some sample code for using that filter.
Hi dghayer,
That’s right, this is how this feature works. Internally we use get_the_category() to get the list of categories, and we take the first one in the list. You can filter the returned list of categories using the get_the_categories filter. Also, you can always filter the whole title with the aioseop_title filter. Here’s some code you can try using that filters get_the_categories:
add_filter( 'get_the_categories', 'dghayer_get_parent_category_first' ); function dghayer_get_parent_category_first( $cats ) { if ( !empty( $cats ) ) foreach( $cats as $k => $v ) if ( $v->category_parent == 0 ) { if ( $k == 0 ) break; $tc = $cats[0]; $cats[0] = $cats[$k]; $cats[$k] = $tc; break; } return $cats; }
Hi markkaz,
This shouldn’t be happening; you can try disabling force rewrites under Performance and see if that helps you to further track down where the error is coming from. But the referenced line of code should be running at wp_head and flushing output buffers, which should not be running before pluggable.php is loaded. This could be due to a conflict with another plugin or with your theme as well.
Hi henkboersema,
You can filter meta descriptions with the aioseop_description filter. Example:
add_filter( 'aioseop_description', '__return_empty_string' );
Hi Marcus,
I cannot reproduce your issue; the emoji works fine for me, both in the post title and in the All in One SEO Pack title. Does the emoji still show up when you edit the post again, or is it just not showing up on the front end? This could be a database issue, or it could be due to a conflict with another plugin or with your theme. I also tested on Firefox, and tested with your filters in place, that all worked fine as well.
Thanks! So what this means is, All in One SEO Pack isn’t able to contact other websites from your server with the wp_remote_get() function. This is a standard WordPress function that uses several different methods to contact other websites. One thing you might be able to try is to use a plugin such as WP Core Control to pick which methods are used for this; specifically, try disabling curl and see if that fixes this, I’ve run into that issue with some servers in the past. If that doesn’t help, I’d suggest contacting your hosting company and see if any warnings or errors are showing up on their side, or if this might be disallowed for security reasons.
Hi spomykacz,
Could you copy and paste the full error message? It gets cut off in the box. This is most likely a server configuration issue, but the full error message should contain a bit more useful information here.
Hi Agentur Sofa,
Unfortunately there’s no good way for us to do this for you; WordPress can’t (or shouldn’t) control or access anything outside of where it is installed. Even if it was allowed to do this, you wouldn’t want it to overwrite a robots.txt file in the parent directory that might contain other rules. And yes, the robots.txt file should be placed in the root of the website.
Glad it worked for you! Note that the XSS vulnerability was only an issue for admin users with the File module enabled, which I imagine is a pretty small subset of users, as that module is disabled by default.
Hi dudek949,
To be clear, this currently works fine for me; what version of PHP and MySQL are you using, and do you have any other issues with support for multi-byte characters on your site?
Hi gg82,
Make sure that your settings are correct under Custom Post Type Settings, specifically if you have SEO for Custom Post Types enabled, make sure you have each post type checked that you want to use on your site under “SEO on only these post types”.
Hi dudek949,
It sounds like you’re running into a problem with your stored options in the plugin; really I see no reason why you should be getting this error, and I can’t reproduce it here. But you could try commenting out or removing that line in the plugin, it’s there just to migrate a legacy plugin setting. Let me know if that resolves your issue, or if you get any other error messages.