Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Rackspace CDN] SynchronizeNo, if you leave the “Remove Local Files” box UNchecked, it should go away. Try checking the box, saving the settings, UNchecking the box and then saving the settings again.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Rackspace CDN] SynchronizeWith the syncing issue in CDN options, it is telling you to sync the files because it now defaults to “sync” instead of “sync and delete”. Check the box next to “Remove local files” and this should go away. It’s wanting to sync your CDN files back to your local hard drive because I have the plugin set to sync both ways. That way if you ever want to switch back to hosting locally or switch to another CDN, you can sync all the files back to your local server and won’t lose anything.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Rackspace CDN] 1.1.0 slows down whole websiteWill take a look, thank you!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Rackspace CDN] SynchronizeAlright, thanks for letting me know. I will take a look!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Rackspace CDN] SynchronizeI have committed v1.1.0 this morning which adds support for syncing the files. The old versions of the plugin would upload the file to the CDN and delete it from the local server. The “default” setting is now set to keep the local files and do a true sync to the CDN, keeping the files on both the local server and on the CDN. All files will still be served from the CDN.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Rackspace CDN] Plugin options broken, nothing worksI have committed v1.1.0 this morning that, hopefully, will fix all of these issues. I also added support for syncing the files. The old versions of the plugin would upload the file to the CDN and delete it from the local server. The “default” setting is now set to keep the local files and do a true sync to the CDN, keeping the files on both the local server and on the CDN. All files will still be served from the CDN.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Rackspace CDN] Plugin options broken, nothing worksI apologize for not picking up these comments here. I will be releasing an updated version that should fix MANY of these issues as well as some feature requests. Sorry for the delay!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Rackspace CDN] can it be used to make wp read only?I looked at that plugin and misunderstood what you were saying. This does not currently work on a read-only setup. I will put this in the feature request queue, though.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Rackspace CDN] can it be used to make wp read only?That’s what the plugin currently does. When you “sync” the files to the CDN it removes the local copies, saving your hosting disk space and both storing and delivering CDN content. I am in the process of a feature request, apparently several people want to be able to store the files both on their local server and the CDN. However, as stated above, the current plugin syncs them to the CDN and then removes the local copy on the web server.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Rackspace CDN] Plugin options broken, nothing worksWorking on that bug as well. Should be releasing something today or tomorrow. Thanks for the info!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Rackspace CDN] Plugin options broken, nothing worksDid you try removing the custom CNAME to test? It looks like that’s the line it’s not liking.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Rackspace CloudFiles CDN] ContributingYou’re right, I am posting in here. My original intent was just to let you know I had updated to that latest php-opencloud version with the plugin I had created. I did not mean to hijack another thread. If you want updates on my plugin, you will need to post in that thread on my plugin, I will no longer post in threads on this plugin. I apologize, once again, for hijacking this thread.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Rackspace CloudFiles CDN] ContributingI commented it out because that is a feature request I’m working on ( Currently the local files are removed after they’re uploaded. This was a change I made from the original code because I didn’t think people would want to pay for both hosting disk space AND CDN disk space.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Rackspace CDN] Images transferred as application/x-www-form-urlencodedThis issue should now be resolved. Please let me know if this issue is resolved.
I added code to the older version of php-opencloud (1.5.10 – if your server is using PHP before 5.3.3) to add content types, and the latest version of php-opencloud (1.9.2) supports this already. Any files that are uploaded after version 1.0 should have the correct content type.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Rackspace CDN] Plugin options broken, nothing worksI added an uninstall hook that will delete the options so you can add them back in. I will take a look at why it would have done this today. Can you send me a screenshot of your management interface so I can see what the text boxes say?