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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Stripe] [Plugin: WP Stripe] Not Working Most of the TimeFound a couple of relevant things here: Return Values
If the AJAX request fails when the request url is wp-admin/admin-ajax.php, it will return either -1 or 0 depending on the reason it failed. Additionally, if an AJAX request succeeds, it will return a 0.So I think the “0” we’re seeing is due to the AJAX request either failing or succeeding (seems like they would use a different number for those two things, right?).
One reason it may be failing is if it doesn’t have an ‘action’ parameter: on it talks about different ways of doing AJAX for those who are logged in (admin, back end) and those who are logged out (viewer-facing, front end). Namely, you need both of these things for it to work for both cases:
add_action(‘wp_ajax_my_action’, ‘my_action_callback’);
add_action(‘wp_ajax_nopriv_my_action’, ‘my_action_callback’);WP Stripe only has the first line (in
line 105), which might be why it’s only working for me when I’m logged in.(However, I tried adding the second line, and that did not fix things. The “0” did not appear, and the
success: function(response)' function did not even fire in
wp-stripe.js` line 58, as it does when the “0” appears.)Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Stripe] [Plugin: WP Stripe] Not Working Most of the TimeForgot to mention, I get this error in Firefox’s error console when the submission doesn’t work:
Error: not well-formed
Source File:
Line: 1, Column: 1
Source Code:
With a little green arrow pointing up at the space after the “{” bracket.
This appears in the console at the moment when the
function (line 21) fires inwp-stripe.js
right after afterStripe.createToken
(line 62) fires.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Stripe] [Plugin: WP Stripe] Uses other than donationsHi hmoore71,
I’ve been getting around this by just assigning the needed URL string to that ajaxurl variable at the top of the wp-stripe.js file. “Hardcoding” it that way seems to work.
I tried your approach, but it wasn’t working for me. It looks like it comes up with an https:// URL for the ajaxurl, when it needs a https:// url, since my page is now using SSL/https… But that may not matter…?
In any case this seems unrelated to the problem of the “0” appearing at the top of the form. See my post under “Not Working Most of the Time” thread.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Stripe] [Plugin: WP Stripe] Not Working Most of the TimeHi wpcdn,
I have been seeing the same thing. I’ve noticed a pattern: when I’m logged into wordpress it works (usually), and when I’m not logged into wordpress it doesn’t work, just the “0” appearing at the top. In my logs I see “tokens” messages but not “charges” messages for these failed attempts. I posted previously about this in the “Uses other than donations” thread.
Can you see if being logged in/out is the pattern for you as well?
Doing some tests with the code, I found the line that is making the “0” appear at the top. It is in the
file, line 42:$('.wp-stripe-details').prepend(response);
This is part of the communication with, receiving the token and combining it with the other form data, before it saves the transaction to wordpress.
The next step looks like it would be the
function firing instripe-functions.php
But it is not firing in my tests. So looks like there’s something breaking down between those two parts?-Paul
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Stripe] [Plugin: WP Stripe] Uses other than donationsI have set up my https/SSL certificate, and it’s working. But WP Stripe is still not working when I’m not logged into wordpress.
As described above: I get the strange “0” appearing instead of the successful submit message. On I get Tokens messages but no Charges messages. This is with the standard, unmodified WP Stripe 1.4.1 and wordpress 3.4.1.
-PaulForum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Stripe] [Plugin: WP Stripe] Uses other than donationsThe plot thickens…
I uninstalled my modified version and did a fresh install of the official WP Stripe 1.4.1. But I found that I still had the same problem when I was not logged into wordpress — the “0” appearing at the top instead of a successful submit (it still worked fine when logged into WP).
I think that I never actually tried it when I wasn’t logged in before now. So as a test, I did a fresh install of official WP Stripe 1.4.1 on a different wordpress site I run. But I found the same problem there. The “0” appearing at the top instead of a successful submit.
In my stripe account logs I’m seeing the correct “200 OK POST /v1/tokens” but not the following “200 OK POST /v1/charges”.
Possible causes?
– I do not have my https/SSL certificate set up yet.
– I haven’t activated my stripe account yet.Still, it seems odd that it would work when I am logged into wordpress, but not when I am logged out.
I have run into this in wordpress 3.4.0 and 3.4.1 (I upgraded to see if that would help).
-PaulForum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Stripe] [Plugin: WP Stripe] Uses other than donationsHi Noel,
I’ve had some success modifying 1.4.1 to provide additional fields for our needs, but I ran into something odd. It works fine when I am logged into wordpress, but when I am not logged in it doesn’t work. Clicking the submit button results in a “0” appearing at the top of the form where the error and success messages appear. (Additional zeroes appear there, one for each attempt.) The zero(s) are not in the usual colored boxes that the error messages usually have. It’s really strange.
Anyway, I know this is out of scope for support because of my modifications. That said, if you have any clues about what might cause it to work when logged in, but not work when logged out, I would greatly appreciate it!
Thanks again,
-PaulPS. The page is the same one I emailed you before, should you want to take a look.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Stripe] [Plugin: WP Stripe] Uses other than donationsThat makes sense. I think I’m just being over-cautious. Thanks again! -Paul
Wow, that was fast! Thanks! -Paul
Hey Noel, Just sent you an email with my live example (instead of posting it here on the web). Hope you don’t mind. Feel free to reply here. Thanks! -Paul
I forgot to say that when I tried it with the iframe/pop-up it worked fine that way. So that’s how I knew it was a problem with [wp-legacy-stripe]. -Paul
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Stripe] [Plugin: WP Stripe] Uses other than donationsMy thanks to you both. I think I’ve successfully modified the 1.4.0 wp-stripe plugin code to provide us with the extra fields/info we need. They will just be stored as additional meta data fields on the transactions custom post type, and displayed in the admin interface (like email, comment, etc.).
Is there any reason not to set these custom posts as “private” rather than “published” since I’m not showing them on our site? That seems like it would be more secure (since they’ll now have phone and address info attached).
Thanks again!
-PaulForum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Stripe] [Plugin: WP Stripe] Display on Website should be optional+1 for an option to not have this appear in the form at all.
I did get it hidden by modding the plugin to add an ID to that div and then use display:hidden; in CSS. But then I had to add clear:both; and some margin-top to the submit button so it would appear in the right place.
(I figured display:hidden; was safer than commenting out the div, in case the script was expecting that input, but maybe commenting out that div is fine?)
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Stripe] [Plugin: WP Stripe] Uses other than donationsFirst off, nice plugin!
Here’s my +1 for a way to add additional fields and make them required. hmoore71, can you provide any advice on how you went about adding them?
I am hoping to use this plugin for an event held by a local non-profit. It happens once a year and has a registration fee. We need more information than just name and email, so currently thinking of asking people to just put all the additional info in the comment field, which will get the job done, but is not that pretty.
Looked at some e-commerce plugins but they seem like overkill for this once a year use we have.