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Oooooh ooooh oooooooohh look look look! It’s centred now! Woohoo!
Danielle you have been brilliant: clear, precise, friendly, patient. Perfect. Thank you again. I absolutely wouldn’t have managed that on my own.
Let’s quit while we’re ahead ??
Hi, sorry only just got back to this.
I have copied header.php across to the child theme. Both theme folders (the original and the child) now have indentical copies of header.php. Here’s the relevant section of code from inside it:
<div class="group pad headerlogo"> <?php echo alx_site_title(); ?> <?php if ( ot_get_option('site-description') != 'off' ): ?><p class="site-description"><?php bloginfo( 'description' ); ?></p><?php endif; ?> </div>
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It seems to have the headerlogo bit in there that you mentioned. Am I missing something?
I’m on a different PC now also running IE9 and I have the same thing with the off-centre header.Will wait to see what you can find – unless there’s something I can be checking.
IE9 and the monitor is using 1440×900. It does look to be a browser issue then, I see it working perfectly on my ipad now.
I’m packing up for the evening now Danielle, and I can’t thank you enough for what you’ve done so far. You star. I’d never have got to this point without you!
I’ll look out for any further response from you in the morning. In the meantime know that someone in Nottingham thinks you’re a wonderful human being…! ??
Right that’s all done. It’s much improved thank you ??
The empty space is all gone (yay!) but the header image isn’t quite centred – it’s a little over to the right for some reason.
Also I now have a scroll bar belonging to IE at the bottom of the window, as the page is too wide for the maximised IE window.
Are either of those fixable?
Yes you’re right, there was no such existing CSS so I’ve simply added all three bits of your CSS.
Header Logo Image Max-height slider is now at 200. Site Description turned off.
Go… ??
Gosh that was a quick response, thank you Danielle.
I’m using a child theme yes. I have a basic understanding of HTML, good enough to be confident inserting or deleting bits of code here and there, but not to write from scratch. Happy to tweak HTML code if necessary, with direction!
I am proficient in image processing however, so if part of the answer turns out to be resizing or recreating my header image to fit a certain size or ratio, I can do that quickly. I had tried creating the header image at 1380×200 thinking that was the size of the header area, for example, but no joy.