Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [LeagueManager] How to use imported teams/matches?I would check the database to see if you actually have data there. When I first started working with League Manager I had issues importing and it had to do with my CSV file. League Manager was saying that I imported correctly but there was incorrect info in the database.
Under wp_leagemanager_teams look for ID numbers with no title. Under wp_leaguemanager_matches look for league ID’s with no season.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [LeagueManager] How to use imported teams/matches?Did you stay on the import page after first importing teams?
I have run into issues importing when I immediately import matches after importing teams. Navigating away from the import page (i.e. check to see if teams were properly imported) has always helped with this issue for me.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [LeagueManager] Switching the AM to PMIt’s based on a 24 hour clock or military time. Selecting anything between 12 and 24 in the hour drop-down will display a pm on the Match Plan table.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [LeagueManager] league manager seems to be brokenHave you checked the database to see if that info is there? What happens when you update results?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [LeagueManager] league manager seems to be brokenHave you tried deactivating than re-activating the plugin?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [LeagueManager] Could not load template…Hi LaMonte, was get_stylesheet_directory() throwing errors for you?
My understanding of get_stylesheet_directory() is that it returns the stylesheet directory Path for the current theme/child theme. Shouldn’t have any impact on the end user if they are using a standard base theme. I have tested with a base/regular theme and it points to the right directory on my local install.
Just so we are on the same page I’m looking in shortcodes.php, the last 2 functions loadTemplate() and checkTemplate() in which you used get_template_directory(). Using get_stylesheet_directory() should point to the right directory whether you are using a regular theme or child theme.Thanks again for all your time on this. ??
PaulForum: Plugins
In reply to: [LeagueManager] Could not load template…No problem. I don’t understand why it would all of a sudden start throwing this error though. From what I can gather TEMPLATEPATH has been deprecated since 3.0. Take your time as apparently I am one of a few, if not the only one, that uses a custom template under a child theme.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Media Grid] Chrome browser on Android problemsThis particular Media Grid plugin only affects the back-end and doesn’t add any files, js or otherwise to the front-end.
I’m guessing since your js is labeled MediaGrd v2.4 that you are using Code Canyons paid plugin. If so than they have their own support system that you should go through to get your answers. If not than it’s probably some other plugin that you are using. Either way you should track down what-ever plugin you are using and contact them for support as your situation is a weird one
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Media Grid] Bring back Select/edit/deleteI think it’s going to be awhile till anything gets updated with this plugin as Shaun has his hands full getting one of his other plugins ready to be included in the next wordpress update (3.9). I have started to try and help out with development and have delete working both per item and bulk. I would love it if you would give it a try and let me know what you think. And just in case you are using tags for your media I have a different branch that has searching by media tags working as well. You will need to have either the Enhanced Media Library plugin or Paul Menards Media Tags plugin installed for this to work (for now).
If you are interested just download the new files from my fork on Github. Just click on Download ZIP on the right. Rename your original media-grid folder to something else so you can easily revert back and copy the new media-grid folder into your plugins folder.
Just Delete working:
Delete and search by media tags:
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Media Grid] Possible to filter by media tags?Shaun
I was able to figure out a way to enable filter by tags through your search box. Below is the code for both Media Tags plugin and for Enhanced Media Library. Take a look and see what you think as it would be nice to use this functionality.
And not sure what the future of this plugin is but I would love to offer my help. I noticed you asked for that in another post so hopefully you are still looking.For Media Tags plugin I placed the following code under your “media-meta” class at about line 290 of wp-media-grid.php (right before Uploaded By)
<?php $media_tag_infos = get_the_terms( $item->ID, MEDIA_TAGS_TAXONOMY ); if($media_tag_infos && !is_wp_error( $media_tag_infos )){ ?> <dt>Media Tag</dt> <dd><?php foreach($media_tag_infos as $media_tag_info){ echo ($media_tag_info->name); } ?> </dd> <?php } ?>
For Enhanced Media Library place the following code at roughly line 290 of wp_media_grid.php before the Uploaded By entry.
<php? $media_tag_infos = get_the_terms( $item->ID, post_tag ); if($media_tag_infos && !is_wp_error( $media_tag_infos )){ ?> <dt>Media Tag</dt> <dd><?php foreach($media_tag_infos_2 as $media_tag_info_2){ echo ($media_tag_info_2->name); } ?> </dd> <?php } ?>
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Media Grid] Possible to filter by media tags?Sorry for the late reply, I was out of town.
I am using Media Tags plugin by Paul Menard. It adds a new drop down box next to the ‘Show all dates’ drop down in Media List view. My hope was that Media Grid could use these drop-downs to filter what images were shown.
Which browser?
Before the update that was an issue with IE. FF didn’t have that issue.
I thought you did that for spacing as it’s only on a couple of them.
Were did you enter in the [album id=X] shortcode?
Make sure you are looking at the HTML tab and not Visaul tab.
Sorry, I had to check. ??
Saw a post awhile back saying something about how you need to hit the ‘Search Now’ button to get it to work (manually inserting link didn’t for whatever reason) and come to think of it that’s exactly what I did. I have mine located 2 subfolders deep in the uploads directory.
So you uploaded the zip file?
You have to unzip the zip file and upload just the imagerotator.swf, found inside when you unzip it, file in your uploads directory.