Paula Parisi
Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Infusionsoft Gravity Forms Add-on] Not passing info to InfusionsoftI was having this problem too. Usually it seemed to stem from the Infusionsoft feed and the Gravity feed not synchronizing correctly. But lately, the feeds “disappeared.” (The two feeds — Infusionsoft on the left and Gravity Forms on the right, were usually visible and editable in WP, on the Infusionsoft tab, off Plug-Ins).
This happened twice to me on 2 occasions, months apart, and both times i was able to fix it simply by deleting and re-installing this plug-in. (I also re-installed Gravity Forms, but that in itself didn’t fix anything.)
And the feeds miraculously “reappeared.” I didn’t have to re-input a thing. BUT — BIG BUT HERE!!!! — make sure you do this FROM THE PLUG-INS tab, not from your Forms tab. If you delete the plug-in from the forms tab, it will delete the data. Also, play it safe by first deactivating the plug-in.
This plug-in is now functioning properly again with WP 4.3.1 (with which I was fearful it would not be compatible).
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Infusionsoft Gravity Forms Add-on] Does anyone even work here?Depressing that you posted this a month ago and no response! It looks like this plug-in is no longer compatible with the latest version of WP. Our feeds have disappeared and the information is not porting through.
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: My Multi site has all gone – Fatal ErrorMost hosting services backup sites in some rudimentary way on behalf of their clients. (Mine keeps daily, weekly and monthly increments.) I have noticed that many hosting co’s don’t offer phone support, so you may have to click around on your cpanel (or whatever dashboard interface you have) to figure out how to access the backups (assuming they exist). You may have to undertake separate steps to download the backup files and the backup database — you’ll need both to reinstall the site (as well as the theme).
Although I have never used Jet Pack, my guess is that your files and database still exist on the hosting server, but something about the JP update is interfering. So if you can login to your hosting server, you’ll be able to make a better assessment of your situation.
Good luck with the recovery!
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Multi Site for absolute beginnersThis is a very straightforward and informative piece on choosing whether to house something as a subdomain or in a subdirectory.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Importing Photoshop metadataThank you, David! I will try both and report back…
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Problem with incoming links imagesI don’t think so, Jonas, as every other link I paste to FB (from the L.A. Times, the N.Y. Times, etc…) works perfectly fine.
Seems to be something having to do with how the various themes are coded, or how one is using WP.
Does anyone know of a way within WP to assign one specific image to “thumbnail” status? And when I say “thumbnail,” i mean the tiny image that goes along with the link.
I was pretty surprised, to learn on adopting WP, that within the WP world, all images are referred to as “thumbnails.”
Maybe a widget or plug-in that enables the smoother facilitation of incoming links? Or else a line of code that can take care of this?
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Installation of wordpressHi there! I am installing WP in a local environment for development testing, and will then be uploading to separate WP installations in the hosting environment.
My question is, do the MySQL database usernames and passwords have to match? (I was not planning on using passwords in the testing environment, which is secure and controlled, and had also come up with a slightly different naming protocol.)
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Using auto-installers to upgrade to 3.1Thank you so much for the speedy response. I am able to now notice the 3.1 you pointed out. Much less stressed about proceeding!
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Using auto-installers to upgrade to 3.1Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Using auto-installers to upgrade to 3.1I am using the Linux installations of WP, if that makes any difference.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Multiple Installs on single server with different Domain NamesThanks, Samuel!
Wow, so just uploading from the desktop to host constitutes “moving WP to a new server”? I hadn’t really looked at it that way! Kind of just viewed it as “uploading files.” This sounds much more serious!
Appreciate your input. Will definitely read your recommended files. Am SO grateful for the depth of documentation available for WP. That alone is worth the price of admission! ??
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: WP Installation On GoDaddyI am just getting up and running with wordpress, and am somewhat alarmed at all the problems people seem to be experiencing with GoDaddy hosting.
I have purchased two hosting packages — one of them with GoDaddy, since that was the site I used to purchase all my domain names, the other with JustHost.
My idea was to compare and contrast the plusses and minuses of each. I think I will do a manual install on GoDaddy, just to be on the safe side! (They appear to have only recently added Fantastico as an installation option, whereas JustHost had it when I initially signed up, over a year ago.)
Any feedback on JustHost? Or are there any other hosting companies that get high marks, for being trouble free?
(I noticed after the fact that GoDaddy had initially assigned me a Windows .asp account by default, when in fact I was planning to use Linux/Apache. I had to have it changed later.)
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Multiple Installs on single server with different Domain NamesThis gets to my question. I am a complete newb! Need to know if it is desirable to have a separate database — with a separate name — for each individual domain that is running Word Press.
I am using a localhost installation for development, and then plan to upload to my hosting servers. Am assuming that however I set it up locally will need to be mirrored precisely on the hosting servers.
Oddly, though I have pored over quite a bit of documentation, none of it seems very specific on this point (and in fact few distinguish between localhost and live versions).