Pau Iglesias
Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Broken Link Status Checker] PHP compatibilityHi Rita, sorry but I do not think the plugin is generating that error.
Please tell me which file shows in your error log to do a quick check.
Kind regards,
PauForum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Broken Link Status Checker] salt fileHi takanomi, some details to explain the reason of this salt file:
this plugin just creates one file called wp-link-status-salt.php directly into the wp-content directory, so that directory must be writable by the web server (recommended 755 permissions). The CHMOD is used to ensure the right permissions 0644 to the file (not the directory) according the WordPress permissions scheme:
There is a specific script of this plugin that runs without starting WordPress (when doing the HTTP request to check an URL status). The reason is to avoid performance problems during the URL checks, it can take some time and so it is not connecting to database or run other plugins.
To avoid external calls to this script foreign of this project, we have implemented a sort of WordPress nonce system in order to securize URLs and do not allow access outside of the scope of this plugin. This system needs a seed string or salt to ensure not replicable secure arguments, but it is not possible to use the salt strings from the wp-config.php file due the restrictions of plugin guidelines (this file only can be loaded from WordPress), so a new specific salt is created just once.
Kind regards,
PauForum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Broken Link Status Checker] Schedule scanHi takanomi, thanks for your message,
sorry current version does not allow scan scheduling, it is a feature I hope I will include in next versions using the WordPress cron API.
Via crontab it is not possible/easy due you need to be logged-in and the start URL is securized via WordPress nonce system, so it must be regenerated again when expires.
Kind regards,
PauForum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Broken Link Status Checker] Does not scan my entire site?Hi dax20798, thanks for your comment.
This plugin checks the links and images within the content of posts and pages, specifically the “post_content” column of the posts table. It does not parse the entire page (header, footer, sidebars, etc.), only works with database content.
The content must be HTML (tags a and img) to do the work properly, so in case of shortcodes generating links, it will not work because does not recognize shortcodes as HTML tags.
In the same way, other trouble is the plugin filters, when another plugin or theme applies a filter changing the content (for example adding links), this plugin can not detect that because their source is directly from the database and not the code execution.
Another thing is that the scope is limited to posts and pages, so if a page or post or other resource is deleted, and you don’t have any link to this deleted page, from Google this is a missing link, but this situation is out of the scope of this plugin, because only checks existing content and it is not an index of previous resources.
I hope I’ve helped. Your link to teamwork shows a login page, so I can’t see the thread. You can send me more details to info (at)
Kind regards,
PauForum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Broken Link Status Checker] Scan is crawling but not showing any resultsHi fayebl, I reply here also so that the answer is public,
there is a conflict with the security plugin Wordfence,
when the Wordfence Firewall is enabled, the crawler is frequently stopped or directly stops working.
To run the crawler it is necessary to disable the Wordfence Firewall, and properly uninstall also the “Extended WordPress protection” to avoid conflicts with the crawler.
For now turn off the firewall is the only solution, I will do some research on how to avoid this conflict for future releases.
PauForum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Broken Link Status Checker] Scan is crawling but not showing any resultsHi fayebl,
I’ve taken a look and externally everything seems ok, any chance to access to the error log of your server?
You can contact me via the e-mail info (at)
Kind regards,
PauForum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Broken Link Status Checker] BULK Delete Broken LinksHi ChristBKK,
direct post editing from scan results, including bulk actions, is only available from Pro version:
Kind regards,
PauForum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Broken Link Status Checker] Scan is crawling but not showing any resultsThe crawler works by internal scripts submitting the URLs status to the default ajax URL of WordPress,
by default the admin-ajax.php returns 0 without any parameter, but in your case shows an error:
It looks like an error response of malformed XML documents, can you check if you have a plugin to create sitemaps or something XML related?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Broken Link Status Checker] Scan is crawling but not showing any resultsHi deexperte, the plugin has a internal log, but only used for development. What’s your website? to look if there is any restriction.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Broken Link Status Checker] Scan is crawling but not showing any resultsHi, last version 1.0.3 solves issues related to the plugin installation on HTTPS sites, and also a problem with generated files permissions on Hostgator (and possibly other hosts).
To fix the problem with Hostgator you need to update the plugin and remove the generated file wp-link-status-salt.php located at wp-content/ directory. Then this file will be generated again by the plugin with the right permissions.
Kind regards,
PauForum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Broken Link Status Checker] Scan is crawling but not showing any resultsHi olivier83, thanks for reporting the issue,
it seems something is stopping the crawler,
it is possible a login access, or exporting the content to XML and send the file?
My contact e-mail is info (at)
PauForum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Broken Link Status Checker] Scan is crawling but not showing any resultsHi, after few checks, I have not seen anything in the content that may cause the problem, but I’m seeing you are using Visual Composer, maybe there is a conflict with this plugin.
If you want I can log-in to see the posts and pages content and check why the plugin can’t parse links properly.
Another option is to export to XML all content (via Tools menu) and send me the file.
My e-mail adddres is:
info (at)
Kind regards,
PauForum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Broken Link Status Checker] Scan completed e-mail blankHi mbrsolution, thanks for reporting the issue,
currently there is no support for this feature of hidden URLs,
but to look around this issue, what plugin are you using to hide the default URL?
PauForum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Broken Link Status Checker] Scan is crawling but not showing any resultsHi dax20798, thanks for reporting the issue,
There are several situations where the plugin can fail, like sites with password protected directories, or scanning sites on local or development server by modifying the hosts file.
It is possible to know the website where this issue happens? You can reply here or send me a message from the contact form:
PauForum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Broken Link Status Checker] cannot save selected new post typesHi sirjay, now you can update to the latest version 1.0.2 that fixes the issues with custom post types in scans.
Kind regards,