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  • line 475 is defining both width and margin.

    You’re probably best off redefining the width of your article tag given that it’s taking the full width (i assume you want it to limit itself to 68% aswell, give room for an empty sidebar. So rework the width of the article tag (as opposed to redefining a new style rule to fix line 475) and it should solve your problem.

    Thread Starter patv


    Resolved. File misnamed. For any other readers, these are the steps required in order to create a listing of your custom posts:

    1- Register your custom post type reference. Be sure to specify has_archive.
    2-Create a template file called archive.php (NOT archives.php).
    3-Create sub template files such as archive-{custom post type}.php to retrieve specific listings.

    If, for example, your custom post is found at, then /news will be the level at which you will need to hit to get its archives page (so

    Thread Starter patv


    I’ve been able to figure out the url for WordPress to point directory to my archives. Unfortunately, it’s calling my index.php template file instead of using my archive.php or variant of this template file.

    I’ve specified has_archives in the initialiation of my custom post types, though it doesn’t fix this problem.

    Your content has a width of 68.9% with a margin of 0 auto to center your content horizontally at line 475. This is the first plate to look.

    @loughcorrib, /htdocs is used by xampp and mamp, but not wamp. Wamp uses /www

    You will hit localhost through your web browser. So from your folder explorer, you should have your wordpress installation in C:/wamp/www/somesubdirectory/{your wordpress files – copy & pasted}.

    This directory means that you should be hitting your wordpress through your web browser through localhost/somesubdirectory/. Then you should see the installation instructions generated by WordPress.

    Here’s a quick few steps to install wordpress on WAMP:
    1-Install WAMP; your web folder is in /www. Best you create a subdirectory for your wordpress so you can better manage multiple sites.
    2-Copy your wordpress files to this directory.
    You should, idealy have c:/wamp/www/somedirectory/{your wordpress here}
    3-Hit localhost/somedirectory/ and follow the on-screen instructions

    If you can’t reach anything at step 3, see if you already have a wp-config.php file created in your WordPress directory. If so, remove it so you force WordPress to do the install again.

    Have you tried creating a new page and adding mock content to it to see if you can recreate the problem?

    Perhaps you’ve broken something in your comments.php file. By temporarily reverting to the default theme (using the default comments.php file), you should be able to confirm if it’s the tempalte file that’s causing this problem or not.

    Again, I’ve rarely used comments, but I believe that replies are displayed as a 2nd level comment, so this might be the source of your problem; check in your comments.php file to make sure all is there.

    I’d also revert to the default 2010 or 2011 default theme to see if it breaks there too. If it doesn’t then you know it’s somewhere in your teamplte files.

    well, if your original code worked, then yes, that’s the idea. Also include your s_home() || is_front_page() conditional check if you want to maintain the old behaviors. But yeah that’s the idea, hopefully that’ll give you the desired effect.

    I don’t think WordPress supports this; when you’re visiting a post through single.php, it’ll behave the same regardless of how the user got there (either by category or by listing).

    What i’d suggest you to do is a add a parameter to your links pointing to posts from category listings so that in your single.php you can catch this URL parameter (using $_GET[]) and handle it appropriately.

    Here’s a quick example:

    <a href="<?php the_permalink($post->id);?>?view=category">link to post form category listing</a>

    Now in your single.php you simply have to check:

    if(isset($_GET['view']) && $_GET['view'] == 'category'){
    //handle your links as if they came from the category listing
    //handle your links as if they came form the homepage or from another listing

    Within that conditional structure, i’d suggest you write custom queries to get the next and previous posts so you have better control on what post (and it’s type) is being retrieved for you. Unfortunately you won’t be able to use next_post to get the next category post and same thing for the previous post.

    Do your comments need to be approved by moderators before they are displayed on your website?

    Also (and if someone could confirm this for me, i’ve rarely used comments myself), I believe that admin comments do not count towards the count you mentionned.

    using WP_Query(), specifying the argument cat you can specify what category id’s you want to include in your query and/or (using its negative equivalent value) the id’s to exlude from the query.

    using get_posts(), the idea is the same but the argument key is category.

    I tend to avoid using both visual and HTML editors, as switching between both does truncate the content (for example, the visual view will modify the line breaks and add <p> tags).

    I would strongly suggest you to stick with one editor (preferably the html). For what tasks are you using the Visual editor for? As far as i know, you can do almost everything from the HTML editor (manually or with the toolbar).

    You can use the following conditional tag and include this in your check:


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