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  • I’ve been able to hide the smiley by setting the above style inline on the element using firebug, so the above solution is correct.

    Can you post a link to this page?

    Not knowing what’s generating the smiley (theme or plugin?), try img#wpstats{display:none !important} and make sure the css selector is correct.

    If this doesn’t work and the selector is correct, there’s likely another css rule either in the theme or plugin generating the smiley that’s overruling this rule. Keep adding selectors to your rule as the more levels your selector has, the stronger it is.

    Wouldn’t it be safer to use WordPress to insert an image?

    WordPress Editor> Insert Media.

    This way the images are registered in WordPress and the markup is generated for you. The problem might come from trying to copy a physical image directly into the editor.

    Yes… you will need to specify arguments in your WordPress query. All depending on the theme and setup you have, this would be found in front-page.php or home.php, or in a custom template file that points to the page set as your front page in your WordPress setup.

    See the above links on how to modify the arguments to your query.

    What do you mean?

    fracmo2000, shoot me your email and we’ll debug this together. As Abhishek Ghosh mentionned, this thread is becoming too long. What we’ll do it submit the final solution on this thread, but in the meantime we’ll figure this out through emails.

    Of course.

    Well you’ll need to use /%category%/%postname%/ to get the category pages working.

    As for the post links not working, I’ll admit I’ve never seen that before. Can you provide me with the following information:

    -the code used to retrieve the post listings and display their url (are you using the_permalink).
    -The URL generated that includes the category but that isn’t hitting the post correctly.

    From this post url:

    I can see that the post’s permalink isn’t taking into account the category (unless this post has no category?). Your permalink structure should be /%category%/%postname%/. It seems that your structure is simply /%postname%/

    Can you confirm what the permalink structure is in your WordPress setup?

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: wall!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Handle each image as a post (or custom post type if you prefer). In whichever template you want handling this page, you’ll need to manipulate the posts to display their images and a ‘link to’ url (can use custom fields for this).

    As far as the styling and layout, you’ll surely need some javascript to handle the layout dynamically for different sized screens since you probably don’t want an overflow, but it will also be very css intensive.

    For the .js and .css you’re on the wrong forum though, check at

    From within your iPhone theme, you’ll need to modify the template file that your posts use to display the content, since it’s also displaying the thumbnail (which you want to remove).

    Look for a file called single.php. From this file, look for a PHP function call named the_post_thumbnail(). Comment out this function call and all of its wrapper tags. If this has the effect you want, you can take this code out of the template file.

    I don’t have the theme you have, but this should fix your problem. If there’s no single.php file or it doesn’t contain the above function call, lemme know and we’ll debug from there.

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: wall!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    What are you looking for exactly.

    1- can you disable all your plugins and check if you’re still experiencing the problem?
    2- Are you getting this problem when you are hitting the category url’s, such as where news is your category slug?
    3- Check your permalinks to confirm that they are still correct and valid (hit save to force a write to the database just in case).

    So the script you mentionned goes into your category.php. When this conditional check is true, then you’ll use your custom query. When the conditional check is false, use WordPress’ previous/next buttons.

    I’ll try to explain better.

    Specifically to your single.php, you want your previous/next button to navigate to your next or previous post:
    1- of the same category if you navigated to that post through category.php.
    2- of all the posts if you navigated to that post through index.php.

    In this case, in your category.php, within your Loop when you iterate through all your category posts, append ‘?viewport=category’ to the end of the anchor’s href. Here’s a quick example:

    <?php if ( have_posts() ) : while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); ?>
    <a href="<?php the_permalink();?>?viewpost=category"><h2><?php the_title();?></h2></a>
    <?php the_content();?>
    <?php endwhile; endif; ?>

    Add this to your category.php file. As you can see, i’m appending a parameter to the link for each post within the loop.

    You can use the same code in your index.php, just don’t append anything to the posts’ URLs.

    No, in your single.php, you’ll detect this variable using the $_GET variable and handle the next and previous links appropriately:

    if(isset($_GET['viewport']) && $_GET['viewport'] == 'category'){
    //handle your links as if they came from the category listing
    //handle your links as if they came form the homepage or from another listing

    That’s the logic behind it. To grab the next and previous posts form a specific category, you’ll need to create your own query that filters for the appropriate category. Then, from the array of posts, find the first post that is chronically before the current post and the same for the next post. Extract their links and include these into the next and previous buttons. If no ‘viewport’ variable is detected, then revert to WPs built-in next/previous buttons since you don’t want to limit the scope to one category specifically.

    Does this makes sense to you?

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