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  • Thread Starter patrick_here


    NOTE: This question was based on incorrect information. I’ve opened a new thread on it here

    Thread Starter patrick_here


    Okay, it turns out that it’s not the date; it’s strictly limited to two pages of posts with five posts per page…
    The theme shows five most recent posts on the first page and then when the user clicks the “Next Page” link, it shows the next five posts. After that if user clicks “Next Page” wordpress returns a “404 Not Found” error.

    This happens regardless of the setting in “>Settings>Reading>’Blog pages show at most’> “

    So what cause this limit to a maximum of two pages?

    Thread Starter patrick_here


    I think it may have been my mistake. I think I inadvertently unclicked the “automatic description” and “automatic keywords” checkboxes. Anyway they are checked now (I believe I checked them yesterday) and it’s working! Thanks very much!

    Thread Starter patrick_here


    My theme’s header.php definitely does have wp_head() and it’s definitely not my browser cache. I’ve cleared my browser cache many, many times and now still 24hrs later the keywords are not showing up. My webhost is bluehost.

    Please take another look at the description of what I did. That’s the complete description of what I did (no more, no less). Is there anything else I should be doing? Any other checkbox I have to check, any other text box I need to fill in?

    Yes, WPyogi is right …child theme is the correct way to go.

    WPyogi: answer depends on theme; generally it wouldn’t be an issue for the files like frenchfrog would be changing (ie: page template files are less likely to change on a theme update) …but it’s true that this can become an issue. Safest way is to keep track of what files you’re changing so that you can compare the files when there’s a theme update. That’s what I do.

    I just worked on a similar problem with my theme so it’s fresh in my mind.
    1. First of all, are you sure you turned-off all settings related to comments in >Dashboard>Settings>Discussion> ? If you did all that:
    2. The answer will probably depend on whether or not “Notre Historeie” is a “page” or a “post” in your wordpress install. If it’s a post then what you’re seeing is generated by “single.php” (in your theme folder). If it’s a page then you need to go to that page in the dashboard and check >”Page Attributes”>Template> to see what template is being used to generate that page …if it’s the default then the page is being generated by the page.php file (again in your theme folder) and that’s the file you need to work on to find where that code is being generated. But if that page is not using the “default” template then what you see is being generated by another php file in your theme’s folder.

    Hope this helps.

    Thread Starter patrick_here


    Thanks, bcworkz…
    I notice that the hook for ‘after_switch_theme’ would go into my theme’s functions.php file …right?

    Wouldn’t that mean I’m adding some kind of new database call every time a user accesses the site (I’m a newbie on this stuff so please correct me if I’m wrong about this).

    If ‘after_switch_theme’ really does generate database call(s) only on theme activation, that would be a perfect solution.

    Seems fast now …did you do something about the speed recently?

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