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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [annasta Woocommerce Product Filters] Dokan Geolocation filteringThank you for all your help!
Last question lol
Is there anyway to sort the tags section by product counts?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [annasta Woocommerce Product Filters] Dokan Geolocation filteringThank you!
And how would we make sure this function only runs after the infinite scroll filtering ajax
jQuery(document ).on( 'awf_ajax_filter', function() { jQuery( "<div id='loading-of-results' class='loading-result-msg'>Loading More Products <i class='fa fa-spinner fa-spin'></i></div>").insertAfter( a_w_f.products_wrappers.find( awf_data.products_container ) ); });
This works it just fire on any ajax filtering
- This reply was modified 7 months, 3 weeks ago by patchyart.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [annasta Woocommerce Product Filters] Dokan Geolocation filteringHi,
We’ve found that after AJAX filtering the countdown timer for auctions is not reinitiliased (e.g. see here)
Have you guys run into this before?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [annasta Woocommerce Product Filters] Dokan Geolocation filteringHi,
As we have the different filters on separate pages ‘browse-art’ and ‘local-art’ wouldn’t a simple:
<script> if(window.location.pathname.includes('/browse-art/')){ awf_data.ajax_mode = 'dedicated_ajax'; } </script>
do the trick?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [annasta Woocommerce Product Filters] Dokan Geolocation filteringThank you for that!
I added some checks to remove the message after clearing, or filtering for something else if anyone stumbles across this thread:
jQuery( document ).on( 'awf_after_ajax_products_update', function( event, $response ) { if ( ( 'ajax_pagination_end_reached' in awf_data ) && awf_data.ajax_pagination_end_reached ) { const clearButtonNone =document.querySelector("div.awf-reset-btn-container.awf-bottom-reset-btn-container > button"); const filterButtonNone = document.querySelector("div.awf-btn-container > button"); clearButtonNone .addEventListener('click', ()=> removeMsg()); filterButtonNone .addEventListener('click', ()=> removeMsg()); function removeMsg(){ if(document.querySelector("#end-of-results")){ document.querySelector("#end-of-results").remove(); }; }; if(!document.querySelector("#end-of-results")){ jQuery( "<div id='end-of-results' class='end-result-msg'>No more products found.</div>").insertAfter( a_w_f.products_wrappers.find( awf_data.products_container ) ); } } } );
About the AJAX mode per filter preset, I meant more for example having dedicated AJAX on one preset and enhanced compatibility on another as our default browse page doesn’t need the enhanced compatibility but our geolocation one does
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [annasta Woocommerce Product Filters] Dokan Geolocation filteringAlso, is it possible to set the ajax filtering mode on a per filter basis? Or is it just the overall setting which is possible?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [annasta Woocommerce Product Filters] Dokan Geolocation filteringThank you for your help!
I’m working on preserving the location filter + product filters, though i think setting up a mouse over event listener on the geolocation submit button to check / store filter parameters and then reloading the page with them after button click should do the trick!
Here is a way I figured to make sure any placeholder images are replaced after the ajax search:
jQuery(document).on('awf_after_ajax_products_update', function () { //check if placeholder catalog images are present checkExists("a.woo_catalog_media_images > img[src*='data:image/svg']"); //check if placeholder featured badges are present checkExists("div.wpcbm-badge > div > img[src*='data:image/svg']"); function checkExists(query_string){ let temp_nodes =document.querySelectorAll(query_string); if(temp_nodes){ temp_nodes.forEach(element => {element.src = element.getAttribute("data-src"); }); } } });
Regarding the map pins, I believe it is just that way by dokans design unfortunately, and I haven’t looked into how to just place all of them yet.
Finally, we have switched to the load more product list style and were wondering if there is anyway to add a simple message at the bottom of the product list if that is the end of the products found?
- This reply was modified 8 months ago by patchyart.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [annasta Woocommerce Product Filters] Dokan Geolocation filteringOn if the geolocation filter is used after annasta filters are used, the filters are lost from the url
For example if you search for on-sale products and then narrow it down to those located near Upton, West Yorkshire, England the active filters are lost from the url after geolocation. Though they can be added back to narrow the search afterwards.
Is there anyway to ensure these filters arent lost after a geolocation search?
Also it seems that if you go to the next page of results after using the geolocation the images are blank. For example if you search for products near York, England and then go to the second page
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [annasta Woocommerce Product Filters] Dokan Geolocation filteringThank you for that!
I copied the code from dokan-geolocation-locations-map-mapbox.js?ver=3.9.10
to create this:
jQuery(document).on('awf_after_ajax_products_update', function () { if ('undefined' !== typeof DokanGeo) { (()=>{ var e; e = jQuery, DokanGeo.LocationsMaps = { map: null, mapboxId: "dokan-geolocation-locations-map", items: [], data: { type: "FeatureCollection", features: [] }, marker: { image: null, clusterer: null }, modal: e(".dokan-geo-location-modals").iziModal({ closeButton: !0, appendTo: "body", title: "", headerColor: dokan.modal_header_color }), init: function() { var o = this , a = { longitude: 0, latitude: 0 }; if (mapboxgl.accessToken = DokanGeo.mapbox_access_token, = new mapboxgl.Map({ container: o.mapboxId, style: "mapbox://styles/mapbox/streets-v10", center: [DokanGeo.default_geolocation.longitude, DokanGeo.default_geolocation.latitude], zoom: DokanGeo.map_zoom }), mapboxgl.NavigationControl), o.items = e('[name="dokan_geolocation[]"]'), o.items.each((function(t) { e(this).val(); var n = e(this).data("latitude") , i = e(this).data("longitude") , r = { type: "Feature", properties: { id: "dokan-geolocation-item-" + t, info: e(this).data("info") }, geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [i, n, 0] } };, a.longitude += i, a.latitude += n } )), a.longitude && a.latitude)[a.longitude / o.items.length, a.latitude / o.items.length]); else { const e = new URLSearchParams( , a = Object.fromEntries(e.entries());[a.longitude, a.latitude]) }"load", (function() { o.loadImages("image", DokanGeo.marker.image), o.loadImages("clusterer", DokanGeo.marker.clusterer) } )) }, loadImages: function(e, o) { var a = this;, (function(o, t) { o || (a.marker[e] = t,"dokan-marker-" + e, t), a.addMapLayers()) } )) }, addMapLayers: function() { var e = this; e.marker.image && e.marker.clusterer && ("dokan_geolocation_map_main_data", { type: "geojson", data:, cluster: !0, clusterMaxZoom: 14, clusterRadius: 50 }),{ id: "clusters", type: "symbol", source: "dokan_geolocation_map_main_data", filter: ["has", "point_count"], layout: { "icon-image": "dokan-marker-clusterer", "icon-allow-overlap": !0, "text-allow-overlap": !0 } }),{ id: "cluster-count", type: "symbol", source: "dokan_geolocation_map_main_data", filter: ["has", "point_count"], layout: { "text-field": "{point_count_abbreviated}", "text-font": ["DIN Offc Pro Medium", "Arial Unicode MS Bold"], "text-size": 12 }, paint: { "text-color": "rgb(253, 218, 206)" } }),{ id: "unclustered-point", type: "symbol", source: "dokan_geolocation_map_main_data", filter: ["!", ["has", "point_count"]], layout: { "icon-image": "dokan-marker-image", "icon-allow-overlap": !0, "text-allow-overlap": !0 } }),"click", "clusters", (function(o) { var a =, { layers: ["clusters"] })[0].properties.cluster_id;"dokan_geolocation_map_main_data").getClusterLeaves(a, 255, 0, (function(o, t) { if ( > 9 && t.length > 1) { var n = '<div class="white-popup dokan-geo-map-info-windows-in-popup">' , i = 0; for (i = 0; i < t.length; i++) n += e.getInfoWindowContent(t[i]; n += "</div>", e.modal.iziModal("setContent", n.trim()), e.modal.iziModal("open") } else"dokan_geolocation_map_main_data").getClusterExpansionZoom(a, (function(o, a) { o ||{ center: t[0].geometry.coordinates, zoom: a }) } )) } )) } )),"mouseenter", "clusters", (function() { = "pointer" } )),"mouseleave", "clusters", (function() { = "" } )),"click", "unclustered-point", (function(o) { var a =, { layers: ["unclustered-point"] })[0]; a && ({ center: o.lngLat }), new mapboxgl.Popup({ closeOnClick: !0 }).setLngLat(o.lngLat).setHTML(e.getInfoWindowContent(a)).setMaxWidth("654px").addTo( } ))) }, getInfoWindowContent: function(e) { "string" == typeof e && (e = JSON.parse(e)); var o, a = DokanGeo.info_window_template; for (o in e) a = a.replace("{" + o + "}", e[o]); return a } }, e("#dokan-geolocation-locations-map").length && DokanGeo.mapbox_access_token && DokanGeo.LocationsMaps.init() } )(); } });
and that worked for me, for if anyone else has this issue!
Perhaps dokan will get back to me with a neater way to do this
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [annasta Woocommerce Product Filters] Dokan Geolocation filteringRegarding the first point, just setting the ajax mode to enhanced compatibility fixed the issue! Its just the updating the pin location to reflect the filtered products
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [LiteSpeed Cache] Purge Cache of product on reviewHi, thank you!
Something like this? :
add_action('comment_post', 'lscwp_purge_product_update', 10, 3); function lscwp_purge_product_update( $comment_ID, $comment_approved, $commentdata ) { $comment_post_id = $commentdata['comment_post_ID']; if (defined('LSCWP_V')){ do_action( 'litespeed_purge_post', $comment_post_id ); } }
Hi, thank you that works perfectly! However, testing on chrome mobile shows that although the scroll adjustment works, nothing can be clicked after the next page of products loads. This is not the case on safari weirdly.
Testing without the scroll adjustment script on chrome shows that this was a problem that was happening before without us noticing.
Is this an issue you have come across before?
Thank you for all your help,
Even when turning off all plugins except woocommerce and annasta and changing to another theme, the /src folder is still created
Looking into the annasta plugin /code folder, there is no /src folder that exists on the backend. So something else is creating this folder and erroneously putting into the annasta filter folder?
I’ve been in contact with my hosting service and they are unsure where that would be coming from on their end. I have tried turning all other plugins off and changing themes but that /src file is still there.
Any advice you have moving forward would be appreciated