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Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Images do not display on WordPress anymoreI got that, but for which code to enter?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Images do not display on WordPress anymoreOk so should I do:
? UPDATE wp_posts SET post_content = REPLACE(post_content,’’,’’);
? UPDATE wp_posts SET guid = REPLACE(guid,’’,’’);
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Images do not display on WordPress anymoreHello, I have, but since I changed a lot of things I would lose some work
Actually, the issue I’m talking with is with my best backup
Okay but which search/replace do you want me to do with this tool?
I have already done a search/replace from phpMyAdmin, as I explained
I confirm the header.php from child theme won’t display the cookie notice despite the bug.
I’m defintely still having the issue of the big header, I’m surprised you can’t see it now
Okay thank you for the precision
Still, it seems the code won’t work if it’s inserted in the child theme and not in the parent theme, which is weird.
I have created the child theme with a copy-paste from the parent theme, and then I have added the code of the cookie notice.
I do not have a red border, this is what I made with Paint to show the area
Yes for the cookie notice
It is displayed on the footer
Yes but still an issue with the header.I have tried another cookie notice bar with different code
I can see that sometimes the bug resolves itself, and then comes again.First, it looks like that if I put this setting in header.php of my child theme, it is not taken into account.
It has to be header.php, which is weird.Also, I’m a bit unfamiliar with child themes, but does the header.php of the child theme has to be a replicate of the parent theme?
Or can I just add what I want (in this case, the cookie notice) in the child theme, between <head> and </head> lines, and then have the header.php in the parent theme with the rest of its content?
Let me know thanks
Nevermind, it’s on mobile as well
Looks like the bug is not there on mobile version anymore
But I can see it on Google Chrome and opera
Well I use WP Fatest Cache and Cloudflare
I have deleted the cache.
Disabling them did’nt change anything, I still see the issue on my side
But there might be an issue with this, yes.No scripts for just EU
I can see the bug of the header on mobile version, and the cookie notice displays correctly as well.
OK so it’s weird because the bug doesn’t display when I am in private navigation, but it does in regular navigation.
The cookie notice appears in the footer area.Maybe it got disabled because I tried to customize the header.php from my child theme, and went back to default for the header.php of my parent theme.
So this is the beginning of my file header.php in my child theme with the integration I made, if you want to have a look:
$options = thrive_get_options_for_post();
$enable_fb_comments = thrive_get_theme_options( “enable_fb_comments” );
$fb_app_id = thrive_get_theme_options( “fb_app_id” );
$logo_pos_class = ( $options[‘logo_position’] != “top” ) ? “side_logo” : “center_logo”;
$float_menu_attr = “”;
if ( $options[‘navigation_type’] == “float” || $options[‘navigation_type’] == “scroll” ) {
$float_menu_attr = ( $options[‘navigation_type’] == “float” ) ? ” data-float=’float-fixed'” : ” data-float=’float-scroll'”;
?><!DOCTYPE html>
<?php tha_html_before(); ?>
<html <?php language_attributes() ?>>
<head><!– Begin Cookie Consent plugin by Silktide – –>
<script type=”text/javascript”>
window.cookieconsent_options = {“message”:”Ce site utilise des cookies pour vous garantir la meilleure expérience.”,”dismiss”:”OK”,”learnMore”:”En savoir plus”,”link”:””,”theme”:”dark-bottom”};
</script><script type=”text/javascript” src=”//”></script>
<!– End Cookie Consent plugin –><?php tha_head_top(); ?>
<?php wp_title( ” ); ?>Thank you for giving me the custom Twitter timeline
I have copied the HTML code in a text widgetBut there is still this empty space (actually, it’s 5x more important than in Jetpack widget)
I have played with custom settings, but doesn’t workThat was a good idea though.
I’m trying to insist on Thrive side, since it’s obviously on them
I’ll let you knowNo ideas?
Hello Jeremy,
Yes I know there is an iframe controlled by Twitter and this explains why it’s tricky, and probably not posible to customize
Unfortunately, desactivating Autoptimize does not change anything. I have tried now (and I had already tried due to another issue with this plugin)
And yes I know it works well with other themes, this is what Jetpack support told me. It’s just not well adapted for Thrive, which is why I was saying this was a pity
Of course let me know if you have other ideas!