This was harder than expected.
First create your block as a reusable block, then include it like this in your functions.php
To find the id you want to load the assets from, use a plugin that enables you to edit reusable blocks.
Also, you dont have to use enqueue_scripts() in head, it will work in the content, if you display the block conditionally
add_action ( 'astra_html_before', static function() {
//polylang get current language code
$lang = pll_current_language();
match ($lang) {
'el' => $loadAssetsFromId = 2005,
'en' => $loadAssetsFromId = 2006,
(new UAGB_Post_Assets( $loadAssetsFromId ))->enqueue_scripts();
add_filter( 'astra_content_after', static function( $content ) {
echo $content.do_blocks( '<!-- wp:block {"ref":2005} /-->' );