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  • Thread Starter parrfolio


    Anyone know how to resolve. I’m running out search queries on google.

    Thread Starter parrfolio


    Great! Thanks for all the help.

    final code:

      'orderby' =>'parent',
      'order' =>'asc',
      'post_type' =>'page',
      'post__in' => array(85,18,5,118,120,268),
       $page_query = new WP_Query($args); ?>
    <?php while ($page_query->have_posts()) : $page_query->the_post(); ?>
       <div class="section">
    	<h2><a href="<?php the_permalink();?>"><?php the_title();?></a></h2>
    	<?php the_excerpt(); ?>
            <p class="readmore"><a href="<?php the_permalink();?>">Read More</a></p>
    	<span class="perm"><a href="<?php the_permalink();?>">Permalink</a></span>
    <?php endwhile; ?>
    Thread Starter parrfolio


    This works great. Thank you. On last question: Is it possible to list the pages in order of the array?

    ‘post__in’ => array(5,18,85,268,120,49), = bucket 5, bucket 18, bucket 85…

    Anyone know how to resolve this with a Dreamhost account? I’m having the same problem of no worpdress email with google apps email for my domain.

    @janeforshort You still can pull off good design and usability. The left nav bar is so unconventional it makes it really difficult to use. For example the left nav bar is so long that I have to scroll down, click an item, let’s say plugins (the page post’s back) then I have to scroll down again to hit another action item. The collapsing convention is bad as well. It is annoying I have to open and close each section.

    @imnotaplumber I agree. The icons are the worst. I have seen this open source set before all over the place. Where is the designer? Design fresh new icons! The rounded corners and grey gradients have got to go. They serve no purpose for the user or the experience.

    Main navigation should almost always be tabular and at the top horizontally. You can take sub-navigation and place it in a sidebar for organization of items on a per page basis.


    What is going on over there? The new wordpress admin interface is horrible, a usability nightmare and a design disaster. You had one of the greatest design studios (happy cog) in our present day redesign the admin interface you now you replace it with this!? I wonder what the god father of CSS has to say about this decision? Not only was WP Admin 2.5 a massive upgrade from previous versions, it was usable, designed well and functional. WP 2.7 needs to go back to the drawing board and focus on design, user stories and user experience, rather then adding jQuery animations, horrible font choices and non-existant design grid.

    I’m still shocked you went this route.

    Thread Starter parrfolio


    Anyone? Anyone at all know of this? *bump*

    Thread Starter parrfolio


    Damn! I knew I should of searched before posting this! Sorry about the waste of space. Please dont yell at me!!!

    I found out my problem by simply searching

    ^ that was my problem and this is my solution:




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