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  • Thread Starter paragp


    Hello Bet, thanks so much for your response. I wanted to convert the sub-folder installation back to a stand-alone one. I then managed to do it by undoing the .htaccess and wpconfig.php changes correctly. In my earlier attempts my reversal was not accurate.
    Now my sub-folder installation is a stand-alone installation again.
    Thanks for your help & support.


    Thread Starter paragp


    Thanks team. I have created a support request.

    Thread Starter paragp


    Hello team,
    Thanks for your patience. I have here narrated detailed steps of import from one website and import into another website using the same theme…
    Pls provided links to download of .csv, .zip and .txt (template) files.

    Export steps:
    All export > new export > specify post type > select from drop down “Price Tables” (custom post type), no selection of Add filtering,
    Continue to step 2 > from the available data we select “all standard” for Standard drop down,
    For Taxonomies we selected “all taxonomies” for custom fields we select “all custom fields”, for others, we selected “all other”

    After this we selected “export file format as csv file

    We also then used the above selection to save settings as a template named price table3
    Under advanced setting, we selected “create a new file each time export is run”

    Then we proceeded to confirm and run export report. This generated us a the csv file ( – 1.csv) which you can download from the url and a bundle file (

    The export template “price table3” is also attached here ( though it gave an error from one place (error below), the export settings mode successfully allowed to export it.

    Downloading of the saved import template file gave the following error : Fatal error: Class ‘PMXI_Plugin’ not found in /home/kothrud/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wp-all-export/controllers/admin/manage.php on line 295

    Coming to Import steps into website
    Settings > We first imported the export template file from into this website as import template.
    Next : New Import > upload a file > we selected the exported csv file from > CSV import went successful.
    Then we selected Import data from this file into New Items for the custom post type “Price Tables” … (csv file from export)

    We continued with step 2
    It showed 41 rows will be imported. Click an element to select it, or scroll down to add filtering options…

    Continue to step 3
    Step 3 now shows all fields for setup, but at bottom also allows to select the template… so we selected “price table3” template name from drop down..

    Then continue to step 4
    We clicked auto detect for plugin to pick unique identifier and it rightly picked “id” field.
    We selected create new posts from records newly present in your file.

    Then clicked continue..
    It then prompted for “Your file is all set up!”. Check the settings below, then click the green button to run the import.

    Confirm & Run Import.

    Import summary showed:
    Import Complete!
    WP All Import successfully imported your file Price_Tables_Export_2016_April_04_0526_1.csv into your WordPress installation!
    There were 0 errors and 41 warnings in this import. You can see these in the import log.
    View Logs Manage Imports
    ACTION: pmxi_before_post_import …
    WARNING: title is empty.
    Combine all data for post
    Find corresponding article among previously imported for post
    Duplicate post wasn’t found with unique key - 20893
    CREATING Price Table
    Associate post with current import …
    – Importing taxonomy ait-tables
    CREATED Price Table (ID: 21529)
    ACTION: pmxi_saved_post
    ACTION: pmxi_after_post_import

    Record #26
    ACTION: pmxi_before_post_import …
    WARNING: title is empty.

    Knowing that our theme has title as key index or so, we have also attempted manually doing the mapping of title attribute and then importing, but even that fails. Eventually, we see that custom post type “price table” records created but they all only have title value. All other data seen in the excel sheet is not appearing.

    As I said earlier, if the paid version of your tool can help import this and other “page” type of custom post types, I am ok to purchase the combination of import & export.

    Please let me know. Thanks.


    Thread Starter paragp


    Hello WP All Import team,
    Thanks for your quick reply. I probably didn’t explain it well enough.
    I have two websites with same theme (ait-theme directory+) and from one website, i have used your wp all export to create export csv file of custom post type and then at other website i have already installed wp all import and have even down the import/export template setups. However, still post import (4 attempts), the custom post type doesn’t come.

    Could it be because of the free version that it is not auto mapping the export file template to import attempt? The csv generated has all the required data, but the import doesn’t bring it.

    WE have 5-6 websites using the same theme and want the custom post types data migrated from one website to other.

    Is there any way to get some assurance that atleast 2 of the custom post types will work in export and import so that i can proceed to buy the premium version? Else, atleast the assurance of 30days refund without any questions asked as stated on your website. Thanks.

    Hello WPWhiteSecurity,

    Many thanks for your quick response. Yes, option2 has worked.

    Btw, we have multiple admins, is there a way that to control one admin user unable to reset passwd of other admin user? Some sort of super-admin user creation within wordpress.

    Also, do u have any paid premium model for this plugin? Pls do let me know.


    Hello team,

    I am going thru the same issue currently. I am unable to gain access to plugin settings even though after couple of install/uninstalls. I have also done your above suggested db changes to wsal-plugin-viewers table.

    Is the last option left is to drop your plugin tables (3 of them i see) and re-install the plugin all over again?

    Please let me know.


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