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  • Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: WP 3 and TwentyTen

    You can remove some of the white space at the top by editing the style.css file that’s part of the twenty ten theme. Notice I said twenty ten… Here’s where you want to make changes:

    /* =Content
    ————————————————————– */

    #main {
    overflow: hidden;
    padding: 40px 0 0 0;

    Simply set that 40px to 0.

    You do not need a subdomain for wordpress. This might be something your hosting company is telling you (a restriction of some sort on their system?). But what you’re trying to do *should* work. If I understand the problem correctly here’s what you need to do…

    Lets say your hosting company gives you FTP access and the directory structure looks like this:

    …other files…

    You want to upload all the wordpress files to the “michael” directory.

    You should then be able to go through the install process, login to wordpress, go to General Settings, and configure the “WordPress address (URL)” and “Site address (URL)” settings. See:

    Settings General SubPanel

    Thanks for the note. You’re right… Webkit browsers (Safari and Chrome) are not rendering the icons properly for nested pages when you expand a parent. As of yet, I can’t tell if it’s javascript or css related. I should have a fix for the next release (probably about two weeks away).

    Thread Starter paperreduction


    Thanks. I figured it wouldn’t hurt to ask.

    This is corrected in the 0.0.5 release. Sorry about the trouble. (

    Sorry about the issues. I was not properly publishing the releases. I’ve corrected the problem this morning in version 0.0.5 (it will be available once wordpress sees the release and rolls it out).

    Thread Starter paperreduction


    Okay so this is what I found:

    +requires wp-includes/default-filters.php
    -contains the action hook to the function wp_cron()

    +requires wp-includes/cron.php
    -contains functions that perform cron related tasks, including the wp_cron() function
    -above functions make http request to wp-cron.php

    -actually does the schedule checking and executes anything as needed.

    My solution was to do the following:

    1) In default-filters.php I commented out the following lines:

    //	add_action('init', 'wp_cron');

    This prevents the wp_cron function from being called on every page load, but preserves all other cron functionality in wordpress (as far as I can tell).

    2) I then created a new file in the root directory of wordpress called crontab.php. Here’s the basic contents (simplified for brevity):

    /** Setup WordPress environment **/
    /** Call to Run wp-cron **/
    if($_GET["somekey"] == "someEncrypedValue"){

    I will be moving this file to a plugin directory to prevent its deletion when wordpress is upgraded, probably wp-crontrol, which i have just installed based on otto42’s suggestion. Gotta love otto42!

    3) Pointed crontab to my new crontab.php file. Works like a charm!

    I will say that the docs for this could be a little better. I wouldn’t mind putting together a step-by-step how to with a little more robust code.

    Thread Starter paperreduction


    Okay, well that gets me pointed in the right direction. I’ll role up my sleeves and figure out how it all works. It doesn’t look too complicated. I’ll be back to post some info and mark this topic as resolved.

    Thanks for the fast reply.

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