The thing is Woocommerce is not translating to Spanish. Support teme in WP Engine are telling me this:
The issue we’re seeing with Woocommerce is that the version of Woo you’re running is out of date. It looks like this version of Woocommerce was bundled with your theme, and the theme update didn’t upgrade the version of Woo that’s included. Since the update to WordPress 4.0, languages are handled a bit differently. For example, the define(‘WPLANG’, ‘es_ES’); in the wp-config file isn’t necessary, the change can be made directly from the dashboard. But since your version of Woo is looking for that constant (and WordPress no longer uses it), it’s not picking up the new language files.
The solution is going to require your version of Woocommerce to be updated. Once that’s updated, you can follow the instructions at the link below to get that language pack installed into Woo.
Canyou help me?