Hello Rakibur,
I did some exploriation in Divi and found out where to enter short codes. I tried Royal Hover (RH) again and was successful in creating the rollover.
The problem: I ended up with a giant rollover image. The original image is 225 × 232 and I’m selecting the 150 x 150 thumbnail when when I insert it into RH. Scroll to the bottom of this page and you’ll see what I’m talking about https://btrecovery.wpengine.com/?page_id=88
My other question: I need more space to incorporate all the text the client has provided (As you can see below the images at the top of the page). Can RH accommodate more text?
The client really wants these rollovers to look like the ones on
https://thevariable.com/ (scroll to the bottom of page) where the actual image doesn’t move and the block of color and texts rolls in. Is that type of effect available in RH?
I am obviously not a CSS coder–so I really appreciate your help answering my questions.
Best Regards,