That’s probably it! Except I have no idea how to find it as I’ve gone through each accessible theme page and that piece of code doesn’t appear to be there. The original theme had two postings then it would go to a new line so it makes sense but it the code doesn’t appear to be anywhere.
Any thoughts?
These are the pages it comes with:
* Archives (archive.php)
* Comments (comments.php)
* Footer (footer.php)
* Header (header.php)
* Main Index Template (index.php)
* Page Template (page.php)
* Popup Comments (comments-popup.php)
* Search Results (search.php)
* Sidebar (sidebar.php)
* Single Post (single.php)
* Theme Functions (functions.php)
* advertisement.php (advertisement.php)
* resources.php (resources.php)
* Stylesheet (style.css)