20 years, 2 months ago
Sorry, I want clicked links to open in a new browser window by default.
Made a few changes the the scheme. By the way, how do I make links pop in WordPress? I’m sure it’s a stupid question, but I don’t know…
20 years, 3 months ago
Great pics of Rosarita State Park!
Site looks fine.
I like the site but unlike your earlier commenter, the color is a little loud for me. Great content, nice layout!
The specialty art blog is very nice looking. However, and this is a very minor critique, the shadowed text in your banner is not appealing. Other than that I liked it a lot!
I have to agree about the comments being tiny. I’m not that old yet, and I was really straining to read them.
Other than that, looking good.
Very nice look and feel.
I’ll have to check out the EZstatic plug-in.