Forum Replies Created
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Hestia] Missing footer and side widgetsSorry I put this message in a wrong support forum!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Virtue/Ascend/Pinnacle Toolkit] Plugin disappearedHello,
Now the problem has been solved, the plugin works again perfectly:)
The reason was a very stupid thing and totally our fault. We connected to the former webstorage, not the new one so every every modification we made were irrelevant..
Now I could delete it at the right place, and reinstall it and ta-dam :))Thanks, Adrienn
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Virtue/Ascend/Pinnacle Toolkit] Plugin disappearedNo, I do not know how to do it :(( this is above my competence level.
Last week we moved the webpage from windows to Linux server, so the reason might be this and could cause this thing.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Virtue/Ascend/Pinnacle Toolkit] Plugin disappearedHello Ben,
Thanks, I will contact the host about the chmod permissions because I could remove and add the plugin via FTP and as I mentioned I still get the same error message on WP admin.
én erre azt tudtam csinálni, hogy a számlán jól megjelen? mez?feliratot írtam át a checkout form-ban így:
Számlázási Vezetéknév / Cégnév ill. Számlázási Keresztnév / Cégforma
Ugyan nem a legszofisztikáltabb megoldás, de legalább m?k?dik rendesen..
Kedves Péter,
Ez nálam is jelentkezett, a tegnapi frissítéssel lett már javítva ez a hiba?
AdriennForum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Virtue] Main menu not seen on mobileHello!
I had the same problem, but I could solve it on the same way.
My question is that how can I quickly rename with CSS the word “Menu” to my language (in Hungarian it is “Menü”) without starting to translate the theme.
Thanks a lot!