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  • In my case the problem was caused by a change in wptexturize.

    WordPress 4 started modifying the url by texturizing it. I could tell this was the case because the url in the script tag did not work on the front end, but the url in the shot tag did. WordPress 3.9 did not have this affect on the url in the jwplayer shortcode.

    For example the url in the shortcode hade a ‘–‘ which got texturized to ‘–’. Also a regular ‘x’ between two numbers in the url got changed to ‘×’. This made the video url a 404 and showed the error, “no playable sources found.”

    This means the error would only show up with videos that contain specific character sequences in their urls.

    My solution was to turn off texturizing for posts by adding the following to functions.php:

    remove_filter('the_content', 'wptexturize');.

    Plugin Author pajtai


    Hi, thanks for using PluGeSHin.

    As you’ve noticed, the plugin uses an external stylesheet. It was created using one of the contributed GeSHi files (cssgen2.php).

    To regenerate the CSS you will have to create the stylesheet, then copy or paste it into style.css.

    To do this, first update the language files, then go to:


    A stylesheet should automatically download. Ignore the errors reported after the redirect to cssgen.php. Take your newly downloaded style sheet and replace the existing style.css with it.

    Make sure you back up both your edited language files and style sheet outside of the PluGeSHin directory, as I’m not sure how plugin updates will affect it.

    For future updates, I’ll have to look into a more user friendly way to accomplish this.

    If you are only making relatively few CSS changes, you could include a second stylesheet (you could put it anywhere (e.g. your theme) and load it on the front end with the WP function of enqueue_style() in the functions.php of your theme). The only trick would be that you would have to make the styles for the secondary CSS with greater specificity ( ) than the ones in style.css (adding a class or id to the front usually does the trick – e.g. #wrapper .ada .kw1 {color: #000;} would over write the original .ada .kw1 {color: #00007f;}.

    Hope this helps. Let me know if you get it to work.


    Thread Starter pajtai


    Thanks foobuilder! That’s what I was looking for. By the way, looks like if you use a start and end tag the code is [[shortcode] ... [shortcode]] With only one bracket on the insides but two for the very first and very last.

    Thread Starter pajtai


    Ok, got it figured out:
    <?php previous_post_link('&laquo; %link', '%title', TRUE) ?>

    BAM! It worked for me too!

    I’m not sure how it happened, but I didn’t have a theme selected on the themes page. My custom theme looked to be working properly, but for some reason it just wasn’t selected in the control panel. I went ahead and selected it, and now the themes show up!

    Thread Starter pajtai


    Ok, I got it. I can just make a custom widget. You just have to make sure to initialize and register it.

    I just copy and pasted the code of the original widget into functions.php, changed its name, edited it as desired, initialized, and registered it.



    If you do this, how can you get the previous_post_link link to work… I can only get previous_posts_link to work (NOT previous_post_link) on index.php, even within the loop.

    In other words, instead of going from page to page if you navigate from index, you go to the next permalink right away.

    Looks like current_category is now listed as a parameter of wp_list_categories()

    Btw thanks, Warmbeer, this is the solution I was looking for with a similar problem.

    The problem I’m working out is that:

    $catsy = get_the_category();
    $myCat = $catsy[0]->cat_ID

    $catsy[0] is not always what you’re looking for. For example sometimes is a subcategory when I’m browsing a parent, and sometimes it doesn’t really show up.

    A partial solution is to replace $catsy[0] with $catsy

    $catsy = get_the_category();
    $myCat = $catsy->cat_ID

    This works properly with child categories and if a parent category is clicked then the parent and all the children are highlighted (that is show class=”current-cat”.

    In the end I may want the highlighting to only be on precisely what single_cat_title(] would display…. however having the parent and all the children highlighted when browsing a parent could actually be a feature……

    (I do change the order of the categories and subcategories from the defualt, so maybe that’s why $catsy[0] behaves badly for me.)

    Why do you want such long urls?

    I’d make the urls as short as possible, so[article-title]

    You can, of course, still present each issue on a page or set of pages that links to the articles in that issue… each of these pages could be something like[issue-number-or-title]

    And you can have unlimited pages of collections of article teasers according to subject / author / date etc. This allows users to, in effect, customize the magazine in ways not possible in print… so[subject-description][year]

    Basically, I would suggest making a page or pages for each issue that look somewhat like a print magazine. These can link to the articles in that issue. But the articles should be organized in a way that makes sense and are not limited by the somewhat arbitrary issue numbers. Issue numbers aren’t exactly an intuitive way of organizing things, so you do not want them in your urls. In my opinion, you basically want your urls to make sense to someone reading only the url.

    Good luck. Make sure you make use of the differences between print and online media in your solution.

    In the “Buttons and Icons” section of that page it explains how to hand code some images into sidebar.php if you are always using the same image… such as a button or icon.

    There’s also info on adding random images, things besides images, and plugins for your sidebar.

    —- Edit —-
    ^^^ Thanks, Michael, that’s helpful.

    I don’t think I quite understand what the tags are doing.

    <?php if ( the_author()) { echo "zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz"; } ?>

    Does display on pages with an author while is_author does not…

    Hmmm… doesn’t work for me either. I tried both within and outside the loop. I tried it with names, numbers, and empty which is supposed to check for the presence of any author:

    <?php if ( is_author()) { echo "zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz"; } ?>

    Not sure what we’re doing wrong

    In addition to the conditional tags page here is one on author template:


    Looking in the Kubrick theme, here is a usage:

    <?php /* If this is an author archive */
    					elseif (is_author())
    					{ ?>
    						<h2 class="pagetitle">Author Archive</h2>
     	  					<?php /* If this is a paged archive */

    in archive.php… maybe you can look at that and tinker with it

    Thread Starter pajtai


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