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  • Thread Starter Paint Guy


    I need help with this please!!! I want to add an image to the sidebar of my blog.

    Currently there are no images there, but only my (recent posts, categories, archives etc) so I want to know if I can just add some code to the CSS and where it should go or do I need to add some code to the “sidebar.php” too for example.

    If someone could help me get this working I would really appreciate it.

    Thread Starter Paint Guy



    Thread Starter Paint Guy


    Thanks jdingman.

    What about archived posts. Would I need to store all images for older posts too? I saw a blog with hundreds of archived posts with an image in each post. Would this person need to store all of the images (approx.100) so if people searched old posts they would see the images or is there another way to do this?

    Thread Starter Paint Guy


    Thank you very much gestroud.

    4) How do I Create a new menu item that says: “Website” so my blog readers can visit my website? Kind of confused about this one. Do you have a web site separate from your blog?

    Yes, I have a webpage and I want to add a button on my “Blog” page that goes to my website’s homepage. Any ideas how I would create this?

    Thread Starter Paint Guy


    OK, I still don’t understand this but i am reading up on it so I don’t make too much of a fool of myself.

    1) I am going to just change an existing WPP them for now, so do you think it is a good idea to learn CSS first before .php if you want to change the look of a template?

    2) pboosten, you said you define the block (elements), and position and style them with css. I read some more on this. If I want a 2 column WP theme then most of them should have the same block elements (header.php, index.php, sidebar.php and footer.php) shouldn’t they? So it would just be a matter of changing the CSS to style the page because the block elements would be in the same position.

    Thread Starter Paint Guy


    Thanks stvwlf. After my last post I found the buttons. When I created a new post I simply went to the HTML mode and then pasted the “embed” code into the html then saved so I don’t even need to use a plug-in. I’m not sure why they tell you to use a Plugin when this method is much simpler. : )

    Thread Starter Paint Guy


    Thanks to both of you for your reply’s. I think I understand more of what is involved now.

    So to help me visualize this, the CSS file drives the basic look of the background colors and the layout and the .php file drive the look of the elements that sit on top of the CSS (the elements that can be edited in WordPress such as the title, the blog entries etc?)

    So if I understand this correctly, I could create a new .CSS file to match my website. with a:

    ? black header
    ? white body
    ? white sidebar
    ? black footer

    Then save the .CSS file over the themes .CSS file. I would then have a basis from which I could work from, then I could go about editing the .php files (index.php, header.php, sidebar.php, body.php and footer.php) to match the style of my new CSS background. Would this work and is this a good way to go about it?

    Thread Starter Paint Guy


    OK, thanks.
    1) I installed the “Viper Video Quicktag” plugin.
    2) I then went into my blog settings and selected (Settings > Video Quick Tags)
    3) I now see the “Vipers Video Quicktag” and the options.
    4) I select the “General” button and select Youtube and deselected the others.
    5) In the “Additional Settings” I leave the settings at their default.
    6) I then select the “Youtube” button and paste the URL of my Youtube video into the “Preview URL” slot.
    7) I now go to (Posts > Add New) and title it “Movie Test” and in the description I write “This is a movie test”. Then I select “Publish”.

    Now I go to my Blog page and I see my post but there is no Video there. Any ideas what I am haven’t done or am doing wrong?

    I just found this. How do I use the HTML tab and not the Visual Editor tab.

    Thread Starter Paint Guy


    Thanks, I have seen this is a popular plug-in. If I do it this way then will all of my videos be on Youtube as well as my blog? I was hoping to only have my videos on my blog and not Youtube. Is this possible with this plug-in?

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Sooooo Sloooow!
    Thread Starter Paint Guy


    Thanks PBP_Editor. Ok, I’m feeling a lot better today as the blog page is loading fast. I’m not sure why it was so slow last night.

    Change some settings like memory size in the wp-settings.php file to 128M

    if ( !defined(‘WP_MEMORY_LIMIT’) )
    define(‘WP_MEMORY_LIMIT’, ‘128M’);

    Ok, I changed the memory from the default 32M to 128M as you suggested. Will this allow WP to keep pages in Cache so it doesn’t have to load pages as often? Please explain how upping this to 128M will help just so I understand. Thanks.

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Sooooo Sloooow!
    Thread Starter Paint Guy


    Thanks for your replies.

    Add this to your htaccess file

    <IfModule mod_php5.c>
    php_value post_max_size 5M
    php_value upload_max_filesize 5M
    php_value memory_limit 300M
    php_value max_execution_time 259200
    php_value max_input_time 259200
    php_value session.gc_maxlifetime 1200

    My hosting company is a company in Canada called Telus. I’m grateful for the help but why should we have to use workarounds like the script above just to get WP to work properly? Shoudn’t WP work correctly right out of the box and be at least as fast as an HTML site?
    I’m not a programmer so it’s a miracle I was able to install WP at all due to my lack of programming experience so if I have to add scripts just to make WP run faster then I’m hooped when I have to upgrade and I can’t remember the scripts to use. It’s bad enough that the darn thing is so difficult to install. I didn’t expect all of this maintenance just to get WP to run right and I’m asking myself if this is actually worth it!!

    Shouldn’t WP run fast right out of the box or is the technology just so complicated it run’s slower than HTML? I must say WordPress has been a little disappointing so far what with the extreme difficulty of installation and now this.

    thanks paint guy……
    but… ok. so wait.,I’m a total newbie when it comes to WP and Apache and MAMP… In terms of this. In order to get WP working correctly on my mac I would need Apache and MAMP???I recently tried going through this process but didn’t know if it was the right choice????
    (mamp, which I already DLed and went through the following steps and procedures to get it working.
    I stopped at the WP install, beacuse I really have no clue what or how to do it. I know you have to change the phpmyadmin file. But Do I intall a fresh version of WP in my Mac. Or do I dl all the current files through ftp and setup through that???

    Ok, first Yes you need only MAMP. MAMP installs everything you need (Apache and MySQL)

    1) So download MAMP and run through the simple installation instructions included in the MAMP folder.

    2) Then follow the “installing MAMP” instructions on the WordPress site here:
    Proceed to step #4 if you have installed MAMP already.

    3) Now this wil install WordPress locally. To install it on a server you will need to set up a database and MySQL on your web hosts server. Then follow the famous 5 minute install here:

    I know it sounds like a lot (and it is) but write down your steps and you will get through it. I tried to do this 6 months ago and gave up then I tried it again and I finally got it.. It can be frustrating but you can do it. If you have any more questions I’ll try to answer them for you. All the best! ??

    Thread Starter Paint Guy


    Ok, so for now I will link to my WP blog and then build my whole site around WP later.

    I want comments on my homepage, but only on part of the page. Is this possible and how would I do this?

    Do I need this if I want WP to correspond correctly???

    Yes you need Apache installed for the database, unless you create a database on your ISP’s server. Either way you need a database.

    I am also on a mac an FINALLY got WP installed. I downloaded MAMP and followed the instructions from this link.

    1) Follow the instructions at the link here:

    2) Then follow the 5 minute install instructions here:

    and you should be good to go.

    Does your ISP have PHP installed?
    If they do you should be able to set up PHP and mySQL on their server.

    All the best!

    I can’t believe nobody has commented on this site yet. That’s a very nice website and I like the colors you’ve chosen.

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