Paint Guy
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Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: WP is Creating Many Many Image Duplicates? Why?Your current theme may be using custom post thumbnails.
Hi and thanks esmi. Can you explain what you mean. Sorry but quite new to WP. ??
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: WP is Creating Many Many Image Duplicates? Why?Note that they all have different sizes specified in the file names. Did you change the settings and then re-upload them?
No I only uploaded one image. Any ideas how I can fix this and how I can do this going forward so I don’t run inot this problem?
Also, that imageshack site launches all kinds of crazy pop-ups. I will never go there again.
Yeah, sorry. That’s why I don’t like image shack. I am looking for another uploader site that doesn’t have all the popups but haven’t found one yet. Seems like they all have that.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: WP is Creating Many Many Image Duplicates? Why?Yes, ok but in (Settings > Media) I have set WP to create 3 images (Thumbnail, Medium and Large Images) (see link)
Media Settings
But when I look in my WP folder I see 16 different sizes of the same image. This can’t be right? (see link)
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Can I delete the image folders named 2011 and 05?Thanks Ipstenu ??
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Can I delete the image folders named 2011 and 05?Thnks everyone. Ok, so they recommend using the “Search and replace” plugin. Supposed to work really well.
Two things I’m not understanding still are:
1. If I change my images folder structure so all images are in “Uploads” (no Year and Month folders) and the at some point I install a new version of WP then will the new version of WP overwrite my image folder structure or will it add the Year and month folders again?
2. So from what everyone is saying it looks like it’s not good practice to remove the “Year” and “Month” folders from the images folder like this:
(Uploads > ball.jpg, cat.jpg, etc.)
but it’s better to leave it as:
(Uploads > 2011 > 05 > ball.jpg, cat.jpg, etc.)
Is this correct?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Can I delete the image folders named 2011 and 05?Just seems backwards to me cause how do you search for an image then if you can’t remember what months folder it was created in?
Settings->Media has an option for this that you can disable if you don’t want it: “Organize my uploads into month- and year-based folders”.
Thanks Otto. I’ve read that it’s best to delete the Year/Month folders and just put all images in the “Uploads” folder but that may be old info. Anyone know what the “best” practice would be?
Which doesn’t IIRC move the existing ones. For that you need to move and search/replace.
Thanks Ipstenu, so what do you mean by “Which doesn’t IIRC move the existing ones. For that you need to move search/replcae?”
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: WordPress Didn't Delete my Images?Bumping this. Anyone!
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: How to Backup WP Theme in Event that Server Crashes?Thanks ezpz seemed to do the trick. ??
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Changing Font Style and Sizes?Thanks kmessinger, Ok, I understand. What about this though?
3. If I change the font type, size etc. and then install a new theme will the font stay the same or will the theme’s font styles override my font styles/sizes etc.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Removing Dotted Lines Under Clickable ImagesThanks vtxyzzy for the reply. I tried using both a semi-colon and a colon and both didn’t work. Is there any way to remove the dotted lines?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Removing Dotted Lines Under Clickable ImagesForum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: image border – how to remove the bordercais,
hi I have dotted lines under my images too but when I pasted the code you suggested (see below) into my .CSS file the dotted lines still remained. Can you please tell me where “exactly” to paste the code into my CSS and is this all of the code I need?
Thanks.img a {text-decoration:none:}
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Adding an image in Widget area or sidebar?Thanks vtxyzzy and a Happy New Year to you!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Adding an image in Widget area or sidebar?Thanks vtxyzzy, so if I understand you correctly, WordPress will place the image into a folder for me if I select Admin->Media->Add New and upload the image.
One other note; if you use width=’100%’ (with no height=), the image will adjust to the width of your sidebar, even if it is different on a new theme.
Thanks for the tip!One other thing. If I want to manually upload an image can I just place it in the “wp-content/uploads” folder under the correct date and then link to it?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Adding an image in Widget area or sidebar?vtxyzzy, thanks for the quick reply, yes the theme is widget enabled, but I have another question which arose from your answer.
Where to Store a Sidebar Image?
I want images I use in my blog, (like a sidebar image), to open up in a new theme if my theme is changed. How would I do this, because if I put my sidebar image in my current themes “images” folder, then if I change my theme my images most likely won’t show up in my new theme if they were in my last themes “images” folder.I hope this makes sense. Should I create a new folder named “IMAGES” somewhere outside of my “Themes” folder or someplace else. How do other people do this and what is the best method?