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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [EZ PayPal] [Plugin: Easy PayPal] ITS JUST BROKEits the newest one. I keep everything up to date
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [EZ PayPal] [Plugin: Easy PayPal] sql#0 dbHelper->edie(SQL Query fails: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS wp_ezpp_templates ( id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, created TIMESTAMP DEFAULT NOW(), active BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT TRUE, name VARCHAR(128), value LONGTEXT, product_category VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL, product_grouping VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL, UNIQUE KEY (product_category, product_grouping, name), PRIMARY KEY (id)) ) called at [/home/paineinf/public_html/] #1 dbHelper->query(CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS wp_ezpp_templates ( id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, created TIMESTAMP DEFAULT NOW(), active BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT TRUE, name VARCHAR(128), value LONGTEXT, product_category VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL, product_grouping VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL, UNIQUE KEY (product_category, product_grouping, name), PRIMARY KEY (id)) ) called at [/home/paineinf/public_html/] #2 createTables() called at [/home/paineinf/public_html/] #3 ezPayPal::install() #4 call_user_func_array(Array ([0] => ezPayPal,[1] => install), Array ([0] => )) called at [/home/paineinf/public_html/] #5 do_action(activate_easy-paypal-lte/easy-paypal-lite.php) called at [/home/paineinf/public_html/] SQL Query fails: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS wp_ezpp_templates ( id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, created TIMESTAMP DEFAULT NOW(), active BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT TRUE, name VARCHAR(128), value LONGTEXT, product_category VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL, product_grouping VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL, UNIQUE KEY (product_category, product_grouping, name), PRIMARY KEY (id)) Error: [1071] Specified key was too long; max key length is 1000 bytes
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [EZ PayPal] [Plugin: Easy PayPal] sql<?php function createTables() { $db = $GLOBALS['ezDB'] ; if (empty($GLOBALS['innoDB'])) $innoDB = '' ; else $innoDB = $GLOBALS['innoDB'] ; if (file_exists('pro/useInnoDB.php')) { include ('pro/useInnoDB.php') ; } $t_products = $db->prefix("products") ; $sql = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS $t_products ( id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, created TIMESTAMP DEFAULT NOW(), active BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT TRUE, expire_hours INT(3) NOT NULL, product_name VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL, product_code VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL, product_category VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL, product_grouping VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL, product_price DECIMAL(6,2) NOT NULL, no_shipping SMALLINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, mc_currency VARCHAR(3), version DECIMAL(6,2) NOT NULL, filename VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL, file VARCHAR(256) NOT NULL, UNIQUE KEY (product_code), PRIMARY KEY (id)) $innoDB"; $db->query($sql); $t_productmeta = $db->prefix("product_meta") ; $sql = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS $t_productmeta ( id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, created TIMESTAMP DEFAULT NOW(), product_code VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL, name VARCHAR(128), value LONGTEXT, UNIQUE KEY (product_code, name), PRIMARY KEY (id)) $innoDB"; $db->query($sql); $t_sales = $db->prefix("sales") ; $sql = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS $t_sales ( id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, created TIMESTAMP DEFAULT NOW(), txn_id VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL, customer_name VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL, customer_email VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL, business_name VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL, purchase_amount DECIMAL(6,2) NOT NULL, purchase_status VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL, purchase_mode VARCHAR(16), purchase_date DATETIME NOT NULL, expire_hours INT(3) NOT NULL, expire_date DATETIME NOT NULL, product_name VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL, product_code VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL, quantity INT UNSIGNED DEFAULT 1, sold_version VARCHAR(32), updated_version VARCHAR(32), lite_version BOOL DEFAULT TRUE, affiliate_id VARCHAR(32), UNIQUE KEY (txn_id), PRIMARY KEY (id)) $innoDB"; $db->query($sql); $t_salesdetails = $db->prefix("sale_details") ; $sql = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS $t_salesdetails ( id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, created TIMESTAMP DEFAULT NOW(), business VARCHAR(128), charset VARCHAR(32), custom VARCHAR(255), first_name VARCHAR(64), handling_amount DECIMAL(6,2), ipn_track_id VARCHAR(32), item_name VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL, item_number VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL, last_name VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL, mc_currency VARCHAR(3), mc_fee DECIMAL(10,2), mc_gross DECIMAL(10,2), notify_version VARCHAR(32), parent_txn_id VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL, payer_email VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL, payer_business_name VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL, payer_id VARCHAR(20), payer_status VARCHAR(20), payment_date DATETIME NOT NULL, payment_fee DECIMAL(6,2), payment_gross DECIMAL(6,2) NOT NULL, payment_status VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL, payment_type VARCHAR(128), protection_eligibility VARCHAR(128), quantity INT UNSIGNED DEFAULT 1, receiver_email VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL, receiver_id VARCHAR(20), residence_country VARCHAR(2), shipping DECIMAL(6,2), tax VARCHAR(20), transaction_subject VARCHAR(128), txn_id VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL, txn_type VARCHAR(48), verify_sign VARCHAR(128), dbStatus VARCHAR(128), UNIQUE KEY (txn_id), PRIMARY KEY (id)) $innoDB"; $db->query($sql); $t_paypal = $db->prefix("paypal") ; $sql = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS $t_paypal ( id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL auto_increment, created TIMESTAMP DEFAULT NOW(), active BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT TRUE, paypal_email VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL, paypal_name VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL, sandbox_email VARCHAR(128), sandbox_mode BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, mail_logs BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, UNIQUE KEY (paypal_email), PRIMARY KEY (id)) $innoDB"; $db->query($sql); $t_options = $db->prefix("options") ; $sql = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS $t_options ( id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL auto_increment, created TIMESTAMP DEFAULT NOW(), support_email VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL, support_name VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL, expire_hours INT(3) NOT NULL, random_storage BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, random_file BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, html_email BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, storage_location VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL, lite_location VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id)) $innoDB"; $db->query($sql); $t_optionmeta = $db->prefix("option_meta") ; $sql = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS $t_optionmeta ( id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL auto_increment, created TIMESTAMP DEFAULT NOW(), form_name VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL, name VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL, value LONGTEXT, display_name VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL, type VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL, help LONGTEXT, validator VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL, options LONGTEXT, associated_name VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL, UNIQUE KEY (form_name, name), PRIMARY KEY (id)) $innoDB"; $db->query($sql); $t_templates = $db->prefix("templates") ; $sql = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS $t_templates ( id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, created TIMESTAMP DEFAULT NOW(), active BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT TRUE, name VARCHAR(128), value LONGTEXT, product_category VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL, product_grouping VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL, UNIQUE KEY (product_category, product_grouping, name), PRIMARY KEY (id)) $innoDB"; $db->query($sql); $t_ezaffiliates = $db->prefix("ezaffiliates") ; $sql = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS $t_ezaffiliates ( id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, created TIMESTAMP DEFAULT NOW(), active BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT TRUE, name VARCHAR(128), value LONGTEXT, UNIQUE KEY (name), PRIMARY KEY (id)) $innoDB"; $db->query($sql); if (function_exists('addFK')) addFK() ; mkDefaultTemplates() ; if (function_exists('mkProTemplates')) mkProTemplates() ; } function createLoginTable($username, $password) { $db = $GLOBALS['ezDB'] ; $return = array() ; $table = $db->prefix(md5($username)) ; if ($db->tableExists($table)) { include_once("ezpp.php") ; $ezpp = new ezpp($db) ; $msg = "Admin user ($username) already exists. " ; if ($ezpp->login($username, $password)) $return['warning'] = $msg . "Temporarily logged in." ; else { $return['error'] = $msg . "Enter your password (twice)." ; return $return ; } } $key = md5($password) ; $sql = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS $table ( id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, created TIMESTAMP DEFAULT NOW(), keyval VARCHAR(32), value VARCHAR(32), PRIMARY KEY (id));" ; $db->query($sql) ; $row = array('keyval' => $key, 'value' => $key) ; $db->putRowData($table, $row) ; return $return ; } function mkDefaultTemplates() { $name = "download_page" ; $value = '<h4>Download Page for {product_name}</h4> <br /><br /> <p>Dear {customer_name},</p> <p>Thank you for purchasing {product_name}. Here are your purchase details:</p> <blockquote> <p><strong>Product Name:</strong> {product_name}</p> <p><strong>Purchased Price:</strong> ${purchase_amount}</p> <p><strong>Transaction ID:</strong> {txn_id}</p> <p><strong>Purchase Date:</strong> {purchase_date}</p> <p><strong>Download Time Limit:</strong> {expire_hours} hours</p> <p><strong>Download Expiry:</strong> {expire_date}</p> </blockquote> <p>Please find the download link to the product below.</p> {download_button}' ; insertTemplate($name, $value) ; $name = "email_body" ; $value = "Dear {customer_name}, Thank you for purchasing {product_name}. Below is the URL to your download page. You have approximately {expire_hours} hours to download your purchase. After that period the download page will expire. Download for {product_name} ({product_code}) {download_url} If the URL above is not clickable, please copy and paste the URL into your browser. Should you need any assistance with the download, please reply to this email. (Ref: This email is sent to {customer_email}). Sincerely, {support_name}" ; insertTemplate($name, $value) ; $name = "email_subject" ; $value = "Your Purchase: {product_name} ({product_code})" ; insertTemplate($name, $value) ; } function insertTemplate($name, $value) { $db = $GLOBALS['ezDB'] ; $table = $db->prefix("templates") ; $sql = "INSERT INTO $table SET name='$name', value='$value', active=true ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE name='$name', value='$value', active=true" ; $db->query($sql) ; } if (file_exists('pro/extraTemplates.php')) include_once('pro/extraTemplates.php') ; ?>
When i try to install the tables manually the $innoDB”; seems to be the problem
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [EZ PayPal] [Plugin: Easy PayPal] sqlI have the standard database prefix. I do have wp_options in my Db.
I get the exact same thing as before
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [EZ PayPal] [Plugin: Easy PayPal] sql5.1.63-cll
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