Forum Replies Created
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [PopularFX] Header is look different ios phoneHi,
I visited your site on iPhone X/XS pro and iPhone6/7/8 but couldn’t find the issue you described.
link for screenshot =>
If still facing any issue then open a support ticket on
so that we can help you better.Regards.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [PopularFX] How to Change Menu Selection ColorHi,
You need to edit the header to edit its menu can change the color of the primary menu in the menu style option.
Primary Menu >> Menu Style >> Normal/Hover/Active – Color and Background
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [PopularFX] Changing menu colorHi,
In the WayMore theme, there are two separate Headers for displaying on the front page and another one for all otherpages except the homepage.
So you need to do the same changes in the other header also.
Navigate to Dashboard >> Appearance >> Customize >> Edit Header, Footer, All Pages >> Edit Header/Home Header
Note: Home Header for FrontPage and Header for all other pages
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [PopularFX] Setting Menu background to transparentHi,
You need to change the background color of the ROW containing the header menu.
Navigate to Dashboard >> Appearance >> Customize >> Header,Footer, Allpages >> Edit Header/Home Header. change the Background color of the Row in Options Tab
Sorry for inconvenience caused.
Kindly reply with some screenshots of the browser console (Ctrl + Shift + J for chrome and Ctrl + Shift + K for firefox) when the issue occur as well as attach the link of the page which have this error.
Also I checked your site but your site showing coming soon page. Kindly disable the coming soon page for some time so that we can check the issue.
Thanks for giving feedback about pagelayer.
Also thanks for your kind words and this will motivate us to make pagelayer even better.
Sumit.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Page Builder: Pagelayer - Drag and Drop website builder] Can not edit pagesHello,
Sorry for inconvenience caused.
Thanks for giving the name of the plugin which causing the issue. We will check and try to resolve the same.
This try of error mainly caused due plugins which inserts faulty code or blocking the loading of basic files of pagelayer.
Any code is inserted externally by the user which is not checked prior. Inserting jquery library externally also causing this issue because wordpress already providing jquery library.
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [Page Builder: Pagelayer - Drag and Drop website builder] good pluginHello,
Thanks for giving feedback of pagelayer plugin.
You can create static and dynamic pages with the pagelayer using various widgets.
Can you please elaborate about your static page?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Page Builder: Pagelayer - Drag and Drop website builder] Can not edit pagesHello,
Sorry for inconvenience caused.
Kindly elaborate the issue, also attach some screenshots of the browser console (open console by pressing F12 in chrome) when the issue occur as well as attach the link of the page which have this error.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Page Builder: Pagelayer - Drag and Drop website builder] Slider not showingHello,
I checked the screenshot as well as the video and I found out that the background slider is a part of pagelayer pro version not for the free version that is why it is not working and the parallax is working.
But it comes with the popularFX theme with free version in which you cannot change the default images of the theme, but you tried to change the default images and that is gone.
Try to refetch the page from the “PopularFX -> Website Templates” then search the theme and click on the page, such as home page. After that you see a new button below “Import Single Page” and that page is fetched. (Try this if you not change much in that page).
If you don’t want to fetch that page then kindly show us the name of the theme.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Page Builder: Pagelayer - Drag and Drop website builder] Slider not showingHello,
Kindly update the pagelayer with the latest version then check the slider.
After updating the pagelayer, if the issue still remain the same then kindly remake the background row slider inside the header template. Just click on none inside the “Background” dropdown and save the page after that click on slider and then save the page. Also try to change the images, if the previous solution not worked.
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [Page Builder: Pagelayer - Drag and Drop website builder] Good PluginHello,
Kindly elaborate the issue so that we can understand the issue better.
Sorry for inconvenience caused to you.
Kindly show us where you got issue in the pagelayer editor show that we can check that issue.
You can easily change the text color also you can give global font color in the pagelayer.
Templates are not comes with the pagelayer, they comes with the popularFX themes.
Hello @sophiehg
Thanks for your kind words. This will motivate us to make the pagelayer more better.
Thanks for giving your feedback here.
Try to select the needed text inside the textarea and then change the bullet points.