Forum Replies Created
add_filter( ‘woocommerce_add_to_cart_redirect’, ‘redirect_to_cart_with_funnelkit’ );
function redirect_to_cart_with_funnelkit() {
return wc_get_cart_url(); // Redirects to the cart page
}Is code above ok?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [LiteSpeed Cache] Woocommerce and ajax settingsSection Not Cache Query Strings at plugin:
Section Do Not Cache Cookies at plugin:
store_notice[notice id]
Are settings correct if i want exluding cookies and wc session from text above? Can you recommend settings for woocommerce? Are setting above ok?
Vary for Mini Cart: i am using wpclever mini cart at primary navigation. Do i have to turn ON vary for mini cart?
Aren’t plugins already excluded from caching by default at litespeed plugin?
what above Varnish configuration, does this plugin have impact ?Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [LiteSpeed Cache] Woocommerce and ajax settingsanything related to woocommerce or ajax functions excluding from cache.
Does plugin default excluding WooCommerce session from the cache _wc_session_
Does plugin default Excluding WooCommerce cookies from the cache:
woocommerce_items_in_cart session
store_notice[notice id]
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [LiteSpeed Cache] Woocommerce and ajax settingsWhere to put my-account.php from being cached. Section Do Not Cache URIs at plugin?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Tiered Pricing Table for WooCommerce] Position above add to cart formI wrote email to you.
Euro symbol €
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WPAdverts - Classifieds Plugin] Show random expired ads on list categoriesNot workin for me, can you Please paste code below. Thank you very much.
Can you edit code below and tell me where change line in code to get results in my question topic
Go to wp-content\plugins\wp-auto-republish\admin\settings-fields.php on line 99 and add this line $items = apply_filters( ‘wpar_republish_eligibility_age’, $items );.
After: then add this snippets to the end of your active theme’s functions.php file:
add_filter( ‘wpar_republish_eligibility_age’, ‘wpar_add_custom_age’ );
function wpar_add_custom_age( $items ) {
$item = array(
‘1’ => __( ‘1 Day’, ‘wp-auto-republish’ ),
‘2’ => __( ‘2 Days’, ‘wp-auto-republish’ ),
‘3’ => __( ‘3 Days’, ‘wp-auto-republish’ )
return array_unique( array_merge( $item, $items ) );
This will add options like this: Then select resave changes.Thanks!
Where to find file settings-fields.php?
Can this code be updated- to show images that were uploaded with ads and where there was no image hide gray area?
adverts-list .advert-img { display: none !important; } .adverts-list .advert-post-title, .adverts-list .advert-published { margin-left: 0 !important }
Is it ok if you go on wordpress setting and change Date format to G:i ? Instead date wordpress start showing time. Expecting any error if i dont need anywhere date?
- This reply was modified 4 years ago by pageinsights.
How to show location icon at ads lists when mobile version is active – mobile phone or tablet? At the momement desktop version is showing published date, mobile only name of ad and location without “pin” icon? I would like to have same desktop as mobile.