i never instaled wordpres on my computer.
when i tried to enter the original account it was only possible with this link:
If i tried to use the official wordpress log-in portal that you find in google, it wouldn’t work.
So then i did a new account with the same email but from the official wordpress. so at some point i could access the two different wordpress with the same email, but one from the official wordpres, and the other from that link, that is also wordpress, but some how it looked different, the login portal and the editor as well. but inside it looked different because of the Elementor plugin i think. any way, the problem its that now is like the two account became one and the original wordpress account with the old password doesn’t work any more, in any link o portal. even that it did before. now the email will work only with the new password. an i will access to the new web site that i created. So i cant access to the editor of the original page any more. (paffctory.com) The problem is that i want to use that domain and i cant because i cant “acces” to desvinculate it.