Forum Replies Created
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Do I need spam protection with comments & pings off?if you are absolutely sure you NEVER need comments at all then just put die(‘no comments!’); at the top of wp-comments-post.php ??
also, Akismet is over-rated and a waste of money imho, there are plenty of free plugins who stop spam. They do require the user to enter some text into some form when posting a comment, but they do ensure that only human comments get through and Akismet don’t always do that.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: [SlimStat Analytics] [Plugin: WP SlimStat] W3 Total CacheThe simple solution is to use a third party service for stats like google analytics.
There is probably a way to customize wp-slimstat, but that would require a database hit every time someone loads the page regardless of how you do it and you can’t do it with W3 Total cache since it serves static pages without PHP. Quick-Cache loads pages through PHP and you could get thats using that IF you add some pre-cache-page-serving slimstat hook. This would all require some PHP editing, and you don’t seem to speak PHP.
If you server has as much load as you indicate then, as said, a third party stats service would be the best solution. Leave it to google or something like that, there are many free stat services to choose between.
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Could not create plugin directoryThis is much likely because WP/webserver does not have write permissions to that folder. chmod 755 /home/anand/public_html/Wordpress/wp-content/plugins/ or 775 depending on who owns it (webserver user should own it and 755 should be enough).
You do not say anything about server/OS, and I don’t know much about this Windows thing, but I’m fairly sure there’s a way to set permissions there too.