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  • Thread Starter own_wordpress


    Thanks to all those who have posted this question – I found the answer on the above link.

    Thread Starter own_wordpress


    Hello – any one with any ideas???

    Oh yes, many thanks Macbrink – I now added the body tag to head and it has worked – Photos “save as” are disabled, upon right click.

    Thanks so much.

    Thanks so much macbrink for your reply… I would like to disable the right-click on the NextGen gallery & image postings.

    You say change the <body> tag in header.php – but what do I change it to?

    Thanks again..Hope you & any others out there – can reply a.s.a.p.

    Thread Starter own_wordpress


    OK – Never mind – I found the Lightbox2 plug in – and it’s awesome – works really well, but a few things I’m wondering about –

    a) is there a way to add the navigation to the bottom of the image so it is ‘there’ all the time?

    b) is there a way to disable the ‘right-click’ so people cannot save target as, or save picture as?

    Many thanks

    Thread Starter own_wordpress


    Oh ok – I see now there are extra plug ins for the NextGen Gallery…

    But this doesn’t fix my blurry images or re-sizing issues….

    Also where do I obtain the “lightbox” style/theme?

    Yes – But how do you disable it – on a word press blog?

    Thread Starter own_wordpress


    Thanks Alex.

    HOwever, I don’t have the lightbox style – all I have is the default or black minimimilizm (sp?) style, and shutter.

    I changed it to shutter – but it didn’t do anything.

    Can you email me privately, so that I can give my web site/blog address for you to ‘see’ what I mean?

    I have a hawaii image gallery, when you click on any hawaiian photo (which has been re-sized before uploading to the gallery) and click on it many open up in full view – however there are still a few that are very tiny when viewing them.

    Hope you can offer some help on this.

    Also, is there a way to ensure that each picture keeps at it’s full resolution – or stays crisp and sharp? Some still looks fuzzier than normal.

    Yes I know, but how do you do it with this code <body oncontextmenu=”return false;”>

    Where exaclty does it go within the php page – do I put this in index.php?

    Thread Starter own_wordpress


    Thanks very much Alex. I had also send you a email earlier today, with a few other questions – which I hope you can answer for me.

    I have actually figured this out (blurry images) – but I am wondering about image size. In WP Admin – I have my images set to 800w X 535h, and have re-sized each image in Adobe Photoshop before uploading them to NextGallery. However, when I view some images (when you click on the image) the box comes up to display a very tiny image.
    Some are very tiny and some are at normal size.

    What needs to happen so all photos are displayed at larger view? I’ve already re-sized them to approx. 800w X 535h before uploading them.

    I look forward to your post and Email. Thanks very much.

    Thread Starter own_wordpress


    Hi, thanks for replying to my post. Yes after re-reading it I don’t think I was as clear as I had hoped!…

    Let’s try this again.

    I have a web site as a test located at something like
    Then I have my real web site located at

    On one page of my test web site – I really like a certain aspect of a features on one of these pages [mosaic] and need to know if this page/feature can be put into my real web site/blog.

    How do I know what function or code do I copy or remove to place into my real web site page code? I can copy the whole mosaic.php page – but then I believe, there is a function inthe function.php page that pulls this out – to display the info on the page. How do I know where and what I need to remove (code) and place into my real web site page.

    Can any-one email me privately, and I’ll give you real web site address’ which will explain this a lot easier if I “Show” you want I want to do…

    After doing research under wordpress I know it can be done (i.e. customizing themes & templates).

    where does the right-click Disable code go? Into which php page?

    Any help greatly appreciated…

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Permalinks
    Thread Starter own_wordpress


    Thank you HandySolo – never mind, I’ve figured it out – and am now using a different “theme” all together… many thanks for the link it explains it well.

    This is RESOLVED.

    Thread Starter own_wordpress


    Thanks very much samboll and Storyman.

    Samboll – I did that, but when I click on Save – It reverts to a Internet Explorer page – where it says HTTP 403 Forbidden.

    My wp-admin/options.php page is set to “777” permissions.

    How do I fix this HTTP 403 error?

    Storyman – yes the first part is exactly right. Thanks very much for doing that… and the third question is this:
    My main page – meaning the front page of my blog (i.e. – under my side bar I have a link for PAGES – like menu links – and have created a Main page – but the main page has a page id number – and I want it to link directly to my front page of my blog..
    So how do I set a link from to

    I hope this makes sense, I’m new to wordpress and am just learning all the features etc. Thank you so much for your help.

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Setting Categories
    Thread Starter own_wordpress


    Another thing Whooami, I just noticed the ‘sidebar’ is now correct where it says “You are currently browsing the Hawaii category”

    But in the ‘main’ page section it says “Archive for the Hawaii category”.

    In the main section how do I remove Archive? And maybe just say “The Hawaii Category…”

    Thanks so much…

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