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  • Thread Starter oweskeez


    Ok, simpler than I thought. Just add the max-height property to .bx-viewport and .ht-slide in child theme stylesheet!


    Anyone know if this can be done on a local web server? I changed /localhost to / to allow for subdomains, but I’m not sure how I would configure DNS to point to my IP.

    I will probably just end up renewing my hosting subscription, but I wanted to try locally first.


    Thread Starter oweskeez


    @esmi thank you so much! I wrote my own plugin and the form and script work perfectly!

    Thread Starter oweskeez



    Thanks for the response. I am using a template file as I only want this feature on certain pages. Can I accomplish this with a plugin? Why does wordpress require a plugin to execute php code after a form is submitted? Seems to complicate a rather simple process.

    Thread Starter oweskeez


    Hey Michael,

    Thanks for your response. The header/footer have no <head> section because I am calling them as PHP includes on each page of my site.

    The best method I read to get the stylesheets to call is using wp_enqueue_scripts but that did not seem to work.

    Would you suggest I add a head section to header/footer and call my stylesheet there, or use the above enqueue method.

    I am still confused on why the rest of the styling for the site broke, I did not do anything to the body section and yet its styling broke.

    Thanks again.

    Thread Starter oweskeez


    Hey Michael,

    Here is my header:

      <img id="nav-logo" src="../images/logo.png" alt=""/>
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    Here is my footer:

      <div class="footer-cta">
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    Thanks for your help!

    Thread Starter oweskeez


    Hey sorry for posting in the wrong spot, I moved this thread to the correct forums here:

    Thread Starter oweskeez


    Hey esmi,

    I actually already tried to post on their forums, but it seems their forums is broken for new users. I made an account, but when I log in and try to post it says “must log in” and goes in an infinite loop.

    Forgive my noobishness.

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