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  • Thread Starter owagu


    no, the prepare function does not help.
    The problem seems to be with the get_the_title() function.

    this does NOT work

    // get bedrijfsdata from custom table
    $bedrijftitel = get_the_title();
    $bedrijfsinfo_uit_db = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT * FROM bedrijfsinfo WHERE bedrijfsnaam = '$bedrijftitel' ");

    this DOES work

    // get bedrijfsdata from custom table
    $bedrijftitel = 'steel & stainless';
    $bedrijfsinfo_uit_db = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT * FROM bedrijfsinfo WHERE bedrijfsnaam = '$bedrijftitel' ");

    the database record for this title is : steel & a m p ; stainless

    Duhhh ….. disregard the above … While writing this I found the answer : html_entity_decode

    $bedrijftitel = html_entity_decode(get_the_title() ); converts the title back to it’s original with ampersand character.

    (sometimes it helps when you talk to yourself ?? ).

    krystofo (others) .. here’s what works for me:

    in directadmin simply create a serveralias in the Httpd.conf of the main wordpress network site… that’s all !

    (Naturally this requires access to http.conf settings which show up under extra features in the ADMIN section on directadmin) [e.g. DA reseller & users levels will not have access to it]

    ServerAlias *.|DOMAIN|

    Plugin Author owagu


    in the standard setup the 3 custom fields are all you have got.

    If you need more we can add them to the next version.
    Can you explain why you need more than 20 fields ?

    Plugin Author owagu


    anyone is free to modify any wordpress plugin as they see fit, provided they leave reference to the license and courtesy to the developer.

    Plugin Author owagu


    domainkcl you make unfounded claims. You are a skillful person both in telling fairytales and in … {biting my tongue}

    Any person that knows a little bit about wordpress and svn knows that the code is public for everyone to see. Since you are probably not aware we’ll help you a bit … go here :

    now find our plugin, then go buy a book and learn about PHP. The following code can be found in our plugin. Based on random owagu will show if $co is higher than 7 ! If 7 or lower the other ID will show.
    Since random is not superexactly random in PHP there may be a small deviation in percentages.

    $co = rand(1, 10);
    if ( $co > 7 ) {$user=owagu;}

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: Curl crashing my site

    as the “author” of the plugin I was just now pointed to this thread ! It would be easier is users contacted us directly through our proposed channels (forum, direct e-mail etc).

    Having said that, Kudos to Sidney & Thank you for the wonderful support you gave.

    Why would a plugin author write using short tags? I could see doing it if you were writing stuff that was always in your control

    This “plugin” was never meant to be a plugin to begin with and was initially indeed written for our own use hence the short tags. After many requests we decided to share and harden the script for public use. Short PHP tags are a remnant of that process. And as it affects only few people with particular server(settings) the issue apparently persisted for a while.

    Again thanks and we’ll post an update with long PHP tags shortly !

    p.s. since we do not monitor the entire internet for support questions, the proper channel for lane66 or feed-monster help is at:

    Plugin Author owagu


    offered help 4 days ago. Offer still stands …

    Plugin Author owagu


    Maybe you should contact the developers on their forum or per e-mail first before making bold claims.

    Every other member finds and uses the developer’s mail and forum, yet you seem to have a different agenda based on the various mails you are spreading.

    Plugin Author owagu


    1. that’s a bold claim that has not been backed up by solid information

    2. sites were down due to scheduled maintenance (regular members are notified of these)

    3. support is available. We have replied to you several times on the forum but you do not respond.

    for the record: lane66 is not capable of “destroying” websites. It uses it’s own designated database tables and is used by thousands of websites every day.
    From screenshots you have sent to our forum the issue likely lies with your server-settings but if you do not respond or mail us we cannot help you.

    Plugin Author owagu


    wow harry, you seem a little frustrated !

    the plugin is free to use and does not require you to pay for premium if you do not want to ! In fact, you do not have to use our plugin at all ! It’s a free world … If you do decide to upgrade, you will have had all the time in the world to check out all the features and workings. The plugin’s innerworkings are exactly the same in free mode as they are in premium.

    lane66 can not destroy your database, It uses it’s own tables to create data. As such, you have so far been the only person making such a claim, which seems unfounded.

    We’re sorry you seem to dislike the plugin. May we suggest you try someone else’s tools , or maybe build your own ? We will then continue our efforts for the people that do use it on a daily basis and ask us to continue development.

    Plugin Author owagu


    None of our team has been able to reproduce your errors, neither have we heard similar issues from our member-base.
    If you want us to help you will really need to contact us privately with your WP details so we can take a look for you.

    We do not concur regarding the use of other forums. We will refrain from using this forum for support as the forum is easier to reach and integrated inside the plugin.

    Lastly, we communicate very clearly that all version prior to v 1.0 are “hardening” versions that may come shortly after one another. Using our plugin prior to v 1.0 implies the previous.

    Plugin Author owagu


    First off : WE NEED people like you. If we do not get feedback we can not improve things. Our biggest jumps forward in all our plugins always come when a user digs in and tells us about their experiences.’
    We do prefer to have these discussions on our forum ( ) simply because we get notified better and we’ll reply sooner. Our 2 teams control more than 25 plugins and it’s hard enough to keep track of discussions. is a very fresh start-up side-project so bear with us ………..

    Second : Of course everything always works perfect on our systems ?? but we need to hear how things are on the other end.

    To replay to your post above: We did notice the same “problem” with the 1st feed that gets loaded into a virgin system. Having said that all subsequent feeds load fine on all our test platforms. we’ll switch the order of things a bit to get this bug out in v 0.9.

    Keep in mind that since we create our own database table we never mingle or mess with the original wordpress tables. Apart from creating actual posts from our products everything stays separated.

    there are more tools coming prior to v 1.0 and these will be available to all users.
    Keep the comments coming and keep remembering that we do not regard our product as “hardened for general public” until we reach v 1.0

    You mention an error that caused you to re-install, but you do not provide the error-message itself. can you elaborate ?

    You do not need to rename feeds to .txt – the extensions .gz and .csv should work too. (Naturally .gz files will automatically get unzipped by the plugin).

    Plugin Author owagu


    We’re hearing the requests for more tutorials and functionality.

    Remember, this is a conversion from personal pro-tools to the general public. These tools weren’t meant for the general public to begin with. We are hardening the scripts and are adding support as we speak. Around version 1 – 1.5 we expect the general public to grasp most of it. For now it’s geared to the die-hards.

    Current versions are still below 1.0 !!

    Having said that we did put some added info in the latest version and added more functionality to the csv loader.

    Stay tuned and keep updating the latest versions. As we mention often, our teams are hard at work and updates will be follow each-other at a modestly rapid pace.

    Plugin Author owagu


    You have a problem with wanting too much memory. This is not a limitation on the plugin’s part but on your server environment. If you want to load a very large datafeeds on a marginal server environment you need to either take smaller feeds or increase your memory.

    Feeds up to 30.000 articles will load fine on most simple shared accounts.

    The instructions are in the works (as has been mentioned).

    Plugin Author owagu


    Yep ! our website goes down every now and then because we cannot handle the traffic (time for a hosting upgrade).

    The “demo” version does what it says … it’s a demo

    We have our network of satisfied customers, but to make customers like john25 happy too we have been working hard on the follow-up to our multi-network datafeed loader.

    It’s called feed-monster, it’s a free download from and has complete functionality in free mode to satisfy casual users (upgrades are still available though).

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