Forum Replies Created
Thank you!
- This reply was modified 5 years, 5 months ago by Ourobo.
Thanks for responding!
I did re-verify that the background image settings were fine. And then, put my big boy pants on and started de-activating plugins like everyone always recommends.
Success! The plugin WP Insert Code was causing the issue. It held the following script for a popup. I’ve removed it, until I find another way method of having the popup which doesn’t cause this issue.
<script type="text/javascript"> (function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){i.PresenceAi=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){ i[r].c(arguments)};i[r].c=i[r].c||function(args){(i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(args)}; i[r].t=1*new Date();function l(){a=s.createElement(o);a.type='text/javascript';a.async=!0;a.src=g;m=s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m);} i.attachEvent?i.attachEvent('onload',l):i.addEventListener('load',l,!1) })(window,document,'script','https://widgets.presence.ai/contact/load.js','pai'); pai('activate', '-K_GoxhxPa1fnwADQLlK'); </script>
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WordPress Button Plugin MaxButtons] Constraining button to widgeYes the “Hair” button is the problematic one. I have tried doing what you suggested. It unfortunately does not resolve the issue properly. Rather than shrinking the whole button to fit the widget, it is either cutting off the bottom of the button, or shrinking just the button but not the text, so that the text ends up at the bottom of the square instead of at the center. I can’t tell which is happening.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WordPress Button Plugin MaxButtons] Constraining button to widgeHere is an Example page where I recreated the problem. Thank you
It asks me for your email in order to create a new user. What email should I use?
Tried to reinstall. No change: The “create audio playlist” is still not there, and the NextGen functionality issue mentioned above is still present.
Tried to switch themes; this did not make a difference.
Odd… The update pages states that I am currently using 3.9.1
“You have the latest version of WordPress. Future security updates will be applied automatically.
If you need to re-install version 3.9.1, you can do so here or download the package and re-install manually:”
I suppose I can try to re-install it?
@photocrati: yes, trying to insert just one image.
I can do a screenshot: https://atelieremmanuel.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/Screen-Shot-2014-05-15-at-8.54.25-AM.png
When you click on “show” usually options pop up. Now, nothing happens
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Edit] Pro version has gone inactiveIf it’s any consolation, HG went down on me about 10 days ago, right when I was switching a website over from another host, and changing the design. There hasn’t been any problems since, though, and that was the first occurrence I’ve had.
And, yes, I did try the Pro support forum and got the 404. :\
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Edit] WP Edit and WordPress 3.9 (PLEASE READ)En route to figuring out why my beloved html button had disappeared, I ran into the various threads discussing the switch from Ultimate Tiny MCE to WP Edit.
Like another poster above, I also appreciate that you have taken the time to talk about the reasons behind the shifts, including the introduction of paid versions.
We might not like to hear it, but it’s a reality that all this functionality costs time. Not just the coding itself, but the immense amount of effort spent supporting the code, once built.
I was put off to be routed to an unknown website, discover that a plugin had changed names and was now charging for features. But this reactivity on my part was quelled when I read the background for the changes. I hope this proves true for others, and that enough of us purchase to provide you support.
I’m not sure how to edit my post, so please see this update below:
Use this link
https://atelieremmanuel.org/sample/ to see the issue I’m speaking of.versus the one above. In the interest of publishing the original post, I went with another layout.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Top-level navigation item to have no link?@jayydee: easy spot-on solution.
FYI to others, it took me a second to understand the directions, so here’s my redux. It’s the exact same instruction with more explanation in case you are a newbie like me. Hope it helps.
Here was my case: I had created a page called “Staff” in my top menu, and attributed employees to it. I wanted people to be able to scroll down to “jen” “paul” and “mark” under staff and be able to click their name, but NOT be able to click “Staff”.
To disable any parent item in WordPress 3.0 Menu:
(1) In the dashboard go to Appearances/Menus
(2) Go to Screen Options (top right) and activate Link Target.
(3) Go to Custom Links and insert any kind of link, and then Label it what you want your menu item to be called. In my case, this was “staff”.
(4) select the just created custom link. click on the dropdown link on the top right side of its box.
(5) delete the URL from the link target field.
(6) Drag and drop any pages/posts which you wish to attribute to it as you normally would. In my case, I placed “Jen” “paul” “mark” as its submenu items.
(6) done