Forum Replies Created
Forum: Requests and Feedback
In reply to: WordPress code base spinning out of controlhonestly, in favor of smaller, cleaner, more nimble code, I wouldn’t mind limiting the backwards compatibility to n-1 major versions. If someone is on n-2 then they can do interim upgrades. This is common.
To the people who are clicking on the link above, I am no longer using this particular plugin. So if you visit my site, you will notice it doesn’t look like this plugin. This plug in works great, but I needed to go another direction.
I’m having the same issue again. I had to rebuild my blog and didn’t have my plugins backed up. I added the two lines in the body of this file:
it looks like this:
CKEDITOR.editorConfig = function(config) { config.resize_minWidth = 450; config.pasteFromWordRemoveFontStyles=false; config.pasteFromWordRemoveStyles=false; ... ...
Is that correct?
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: I am needing users' options on WordPress pleaseThe biggest downside for me is the lack of a true rich editor. I would like more control of where text is placed, tables, etc… Other than that, it is fantastic.
That fixed it!! Why isn’t that a default setting? Thanks.
Can you reproduce the same thing?
Same behavior in the demo site. When I create a rich table in word, “paste from word” it strips all formatting and pastes only black/white tables. I tried both IE9 and Chrome.
In chrome, I get a dialog box (due to security settings) to paste into and this box seems to keep most of my formatting and colors. When I click OK, the formatting goes away.
It worked with the current version of ckeditor and WP 3.1.2
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: how do you create pretty text content?The best option I found so far is to install the CKeditor plugin. This allows me to create rich tables in Word then copy/paste them into WP. Not ideal at all, but it is simple.
Still open to suggestions.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: IE 9 and WordPress EditorIs your IE9 controlled by a corporate GPO? My IE9 works surprisingly nice.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Stupid Simple Google Maps] [Plugin: Stupid Simple Google Maps] Bing option?Thanks for the reply. I did chuckle when I read it. Don’t get me wrong, the chuckle was not directed at you at all!! I just find the differences of opinions comical. I spoke to a developer last week who prefers the “more modern” Bing API (see why I chuckled??). He went on aboout the ability to create Bing map apps, street slide, etc… He lost me quickly.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Yoast SEO] please add alternate menu attributeThis is the alt text that pops up when you hover over a menu item. Check out the menu on my test site for an example: https://www.gentryfoto.com/2011/
Thanks for the reply. I have dumped Share and Follow. Besides the stated issue here, it pollutes the <head> with an obscene amount of junk.
BTW, I found what I was looking for with the ‘page menu editor’ plug in.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Help: I don't want my tagline to be a meta descriptionandy^3, Just so you know I started seeing the same thing after I upgraded my old 2.x WP blog to 3.1. I disabled all plugins and it made no difference. I had duplicate entries for keywords and desc. I deleted the ones from my header.php that were directly under the meta generator tag.