Philosopher Rex
Forum Replies Created
Here is the letter I received from ebay after they removed my listing:
Hello auroraherbfarm,
We’ve determined that some of your listings haven’t followed our Inappropriate Links policy. Therefore, we had to take the following actions:
– Listings that didn’t follow our policies have been removed. A list of removed item(s) is available further down in this email.
– We have credited all associated fees except for the final value fee for your listing(s).Certain types of links are allowed, including:
– Links in your item description to help promote your item (For example, links to additional images, manufacturer warranties, and specifications)
– Links to your other eBay items and pages that don’t promote non-eBay sites, or sales outside of eBayHaving links or content promoting non-eBay sites isn’t allowed, including:
– Links to your general web site
– Pages that promote non-eBay web sites and items being sold outside of eBay
– Non-clickable links in images, text, or logos, that direct people off of eBay (For example, including ’for my website, please Google MYUSERID’)Links that drive traffic off the eBay site can confuse members who may believe they are still on eBay. They may also mistakenly think that they are covered by eBay’s buyer protection policies when making purchases from a non-eBay site.
To learn more about our links policy, including examples of both prohibited and allowed links, go to: description in your listing contains a link to an online store outside of eBay:https://auroraherb.comWhile we understand that it was not your intention to violate any policy, we try to keep members on the eBay site for maximum trust, safety and efficiency. That is why we encourage all sellers to include links or images with links that includes information about their Store or service as long as the linked pages don’t advertise any specific off-eBay product or contain any additional links to pages that offer off-eBay products. We suggest that you only include appropriate link(s) that are permitted on the site.This guideline was created to ensure that transactions between buyers and sellers happen safely within eBay.To learn more about links permitted on eBay, please visit: We invite you to relist your item as soon as you have made the needed changes.
If you have any concerns or questions, click “Help & Contact” at the top of most eBay pages.
Please be sure that your current and future listings, including any items that are relisted automatically, follow these guidelines. If they don’t, they’ll be removed and your fees won’t be refunded. It could also result in additional actions, including loss of buying and selling privileges on eBay.
As you can read above the specifically say:
Having links or content promoting non-eBay sites isn’t allowed, including:
– Links to your general web siteIn the default template there is a link back to my website. I’ve changed this now of course, but for people in the future using this plugin, it would be good I think to alter this template … unless of course this ebay policy is limited to Ebay Australia.
You can declare the location of the cache file when calling, so you can set a different cache file for each site in your multi-site setup.
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Error establishing a database connectionooops, my bad, I didn’t deactivate all plugins, must have selected the wrong item in the drop-down. Site now creates, problem solved. Don’t know what plugin it was, but very likely a buddypress plugin.
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Error establishing a database connectionI’ve deactivated all plugins and the problem persists. Don’t know what to try next.
My config file: (btw, I only made one alteration after the problem began, as noted:
define('WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE', true); // just added, made no difference to site add problem define( 'MULTISITE', true ); define( 'WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '96M' ); define( 'SUBDOMAIN_INSTALL', false ); $base = '/'; define( 'DOMAIN_CURRENT_SITE', '' ); define( 'PATH_CURRENT_SITE', '/' ); define( 'SITE_ID_CURRENT_SITE', 1 ); define( 'BLOG_ID_CURRENT_SITE', 1 );
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Error establishing a database connectionAs the tables being created are related to a plugin, perhaps that plugin is the problem. Will disable and test again.
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Error establishing a database connectionThey don’t exist. I’ve deleted the site and re-tried several times, each time it increments the number (currently on #9). It is creating some of the tables however:
aaaWpMu_9_dbem_bookings aaaWpMu_9_dbem_categories aaaWpMu_9_dbem_events aaaWpMu_9_dbem_locations aaaWpMu_9_dbem_people aaaWpMu_9_dbem_recurrence
Those tables are in the DB, the others as listed in previous post do not. I’m using WP 3.0.5 if that helps.
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Error establishing a database connectionIf I create these tables in ‘phpmyadmin’, would wordpress then be able to add the appropriate fields? Maybe there is a way to copy the existing functional sites then clean them out? Rebuilding from scratch seems like a lot of work, and I’m terribly lazy.
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Error establishing a database connectionI’ve an installation that’s been running fine for some time with four blogs. Today I went to add a new one and the backend indicated that it was successful. I then tried to go to the blog and received this lovely message “Error establishing a database connection”. I tried going to the dashboard for the site and received a message that there might be something wrong with the database and it suggested that I add a line to my config file to allow WP to try and fix the problem. I did so and reloaded the page as suggested and it attempted to repair the DB but failed giving this as the output and telling me to post it in a support forum!!! So here I am:
aaaWpMu_6_posts: Table ‘earthsociety_WPMUCore27Oct2010.aaaWpMu_6_posts’ doesn’t exist aaaWpMu_6_comments: Table ‘earthsociety_WPMUCore27Oct2010.aaaWpMu_6_comments’ doesn’t exist aaaWpMu_6_links: Table ‘earthsociety_WPMUCore27Oct2010.aaaWpMu_6_links’ doesn’t exist aaaWpMu_6_options: Table ‘earthsociety_WPMUCore27Oct2010.aaaWpMu_6_options’ doesn’t exist aaaWpMu_6_postmeta: Table ‘earthsociety_WPMUCore27Oct2010.aaaWpMu_6_postmeta’ doesn’t exist aaaWpMu_6_terms: Table ‘earthsociety_WPMUCore27Oct2010.aaaWpMu_6_terms’ doesn’t exist aaaWpMu_6_term_taxonomy: Table ‘earthsociety_WPMUCore27Oct2010.aaaWpMu_6_term_taxonomy’ doesn’t exist aaaWpMu_6_term_relationships: Table ‘earthsociety_WPMUCore27Oct2010.aaaWpMu_6_term_relationships’ doesn’t exist aaaWpMu_6_commentmeta: Table ‘earthsociety_WPMUCore27Oct2010.aaaWpMu_6_commentmeta’ doesn’t exist
Any thoughts? Do I need to rebuild my entire database? What caused this in the first place? . . . (time passes) . . . I’ve deleted the defective blog-site and tried again with the same result. For some reason the tables aren’t being created. Where can I access relevant log files? I don’t have access to server logs, are there logs made by WP?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Fatal Error: Out of Memory messagesHello, I’ve been having the same problem. I found this post and used the script to verify what wordpress was telling me – that I was out of memory (for me at 40MB).
I verfied that my global php.ini was really set at 200M with this little script:
<?php phpinfo(); ?>
It was so, it seems something was fishy with my host. I then informed my host and linked them to the memory test script (from the above link) and they then admitted that I was on an older server with limited memory and I was only getting 60MB and 20MB of that was being used by the PHP interpreter itself, leaving me with only 40MB. They then ‘offered’ to move me to a new server for free.
Long story short, hosts will only give you what they think you need in order to save money. If you put the evidence in their face that they are scrimping, they’ll usually back down to keep you as a customer.