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  • Forum: Reviews
    In reply to: [Breezing Forms] Error

    I have revised my review of this plug-in and lowered it to a 3 star rating. Not because of itzzad, but because I have been working with it all morning to no avail. The plug-in is just not ready yet. I think the majority of positive reviews are coming from Joomla users that are familiar with the plug-in (like me). On Joomla, this is a very powerful extension, but the port is poor and it needs work to be of proper quality.

    Its a shame too. It’s really great when it works.

    Also, I have been using support on their site, not through their WP forum.

    Please also note that they have 0 of 5 questions answered in that forum.

    Forum: Reviews
    In reply to: [Breezing Forms] Error

    @itsazzad Actually, you are correct. I appologize. It’s weird that it’s all joomla stuff in the WordPress plug-in files. I think that for the sake of less confusion they should have done a more thorough job.

    I never looked because it just always worked for me.

    I think your review would have been better stated that the plug-in is a poor Joomla port and perhaps did some explaining why it failed, or what was going on.

    I think that is a language barrier thing. I get that english is not your first language, and because of that I thought you were being unclear. It just dawned on me that english is not your first language. I just thought you were being rude.

    I wish I could erase the previous posts earlier, and I am sorry to have rushed to judgement.

    Just for the record, no, I don’t work for or are affiliated with the devs at all. I think that you should change your review to be more accurate and you are right to have given it one star.

    The moderator did not delete your rating. It still stands. She too fell victim to the language barrier thing.

    Again accept my apologies for being a jerk, I really do regret it.

    Forum: Reviews
    In reply to: [Breezing Forms] Error

    That’s The Joomla Version. That’s why it didn’t work. You downloaded the wrong version of the plugin.

    Try downloading the WordPress version and maybe you might get it to work out.

    Nice. If you had just gotten in touch with the dev, maybe they could have helped you.

    Also, try getting the plug-in from: to assure that you actually get the right one.

    That is why I told you to contact the dev. That is why I told you to give it a chance. But no…. you wouldn’t listen. Now we all see the mistake you made.

    Why not try installing the plug-in correctly using the correct version and go from there?

    Forum: Reviews
    In reply to: [Breezing Forms] Error

    And I should not let these things bother me, I apologize for my tone and words used. I should try and be more patient as I see that some of the errors are from a “port”.

    I would add a “regardless” but I think this discussion is at an end. All has been said.

    Forum: Reviews
    In reply to: [Breezing Forms] Error

    Keep it the same. Whatever. I really like these guys that is all. I am a customer, but I do not know them outside of that.

    I am pissed because I tried to help you and you were smug about me trying to help you. I went to all of the trouble to find you some links, write a full essay about what you could do to get your project off of the ground, and you didn’t even say thanks. Instead you said “Better Luck Next Time” implying that I was trying to do something else besides helping you.

    It was rude.

    Maybe the plug-in is messed up. I don’t know. In my first response I said:

    If it turns out that it is indeed their error, and the plug-in is crap then by all means leave the review stand. But from my experience both on WordPress and Joomla is that it is a reliable and powerful plug-in. I have never had it fail on install, ever.

    Leave it stand, I don’t really care that much.

    My point was that because you can’t get it to work, you should at least try and contact the dev before trying to shred their reputation. That’s all.

    Forum: Reviews
    In reply to: [Breezing Forms] Error

    A broker? What does that even mean?

    Your error (that you didn’t read, as it contains the answer as to why your plug-in doesn’t work) is so bizarre. Why would anyone need a directory called “WPISNEW” inside of the “breezingforms” directory?

      ? First of all, the plug-ins go in the “wp-plugins” directory inside of “wp-content” .
      ? Secondly the correct directory is “breezing-forms” not the incorrect “breezingforms” directory as spelled by ding-dong up there.
      ? Thirdly, except for the need to fully embrace being wrong, why have a directory called “WPISNEW” at all?

    I mean unless one is a total idiot of course.

    And then to tie the perfect circle of stupidity together, insist that the dev’s should have thought ahead enough that someone so completely stupid would try and install the plug-in outside of their actual plug-in’s folder in a custom named directory. They should have tested against that eventuality!

    It’s people like @itsazzad that make the world a bad place.

    Forum: Reviews
    In reply to: [Breezing Forms] Error

    You are an idiot.

    Forum: Reviews
    In reply to: [Breezing Forms] Error

    @yezzz Let me help elaborate. I suspect that @itszzad can work it out if we point him in the right direction.

    @itszzad OK, now you are talking, we are getting there. I am not sure what the WPISNEW directory is. Did you try just installing the plug-in through the installer in the wp-admin?

    According to the error I see above, you are trying to “put” a folder where the is no folder. If you look closely at the two paths above, they are different. Look closely:

    No such file or directory in /…/wp-content/plugins/breezing-forms/joomla-platform/libraries/joomla/filesystem/file.php`

    So I am thinking that you are way off on your install. You should just be able to use the wordpress plug-in installer to get it rolling. There should be no need to upload it manually.

    If you must, it goes into the “wp-content/plugins/” folder. The folder must be named “breezing-forms”. There is no need for a WPISNEW folder.

    But this is not the place for support. I am not going to help any further because I have other stuff to do right now.
    . But you can get help, just do the following:

    You have the relevant error information. Go get the version of your current WordPress and also include the plug-in version.

    Then armed with that information, first create an account for the forum:

    Then visit the forum for the plug-in and post your query there.

    I do not mean to come off as a jerk, but really the forum is always the most appropriate place to get support. I do not mean to sound down on you or whatever, I am just trying to help out here.

    I hope that you consider going to the forums. Once you see how great this plug-in really is, you should consider coming back and editing your review. You might find that this forms plug-in is not for you. (It might do too much.) If all you require is a simple contact form, there are other solutions that are not as capable, but much simpler to use. What you gain in ease-of-use, you lose in functionality. Always a trade off. If that ends up being the case, I urge you to delete your review. I just think that it’s not fair to ding the devs for something that is your error.

    If it turns out that it is indeed their error, and the plug-in is crap then by all means leave the review stand. But from my experience both on WordPress and Joomla is that it is a reliable and powerful plug-in. I have never had it fail on install, ever.

    I wish you luck, and I wish you only success in your project.

    Forum: Reviews
    In reply to: [Breezing Forms] Error


    A plug-in’s contents are not downloaded to a client’s computer. It would not effect the overall size of your site. And by huge, it is not nearly huge enough to make even a 1% dent in your host’s allowance for storage, so what’s the problem?

    Also, like @crosstec says… error? That’s it? You gave up? Maybe the error was that you were not connected to the internet at the time? With no information and complaining before seeking a solution you miss out. Professional developers are not grocery store employees. They will not apologize to you when it is you that is making the mistake. I have found that they do appreciate knowing if a situation arises and will usually go out of their way to help. Well, most all of them… they have ignored my paid member support request for over two weeks… but that’s another story. I think it’s a mistake anyways and after awhile I stopped watching it.

    Furthermore, you are missing out on what is probably the best forms solution available on WordPress. It is powerful, easy to use, and amazing. Does more than I could have dreamed of.

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