Thanks for your help.
In this link: https://fundacionmarviva-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/oscar_madrigal_marviva_net/Et78fXT8iSVLjCplEQssD64Bn1oNQmpzIA21SeMkeydmSQ?e=60xRC1
You can see 4 images
Pod1.png: It shows the Pod “Tipos de documentos” and inside of it an option named: “Publicaciones Tecnicas y Divulgativas”.
Pod2.png: Shows the Pod Tipos de documentos and inside of it 2 options “Entrada 2” and “Entrada1”
Pod3.png: Shows that “Entrada 2” and “Entrada1” are defined as childs.
Pod4.png: Show that “Entrada 2” is a child of “Publicaciones Tecnicas y Divulgativas”.
My question is: If “Entrada 2” is a child of “Publicaciones Tecnicas y Divulgativas” why it does not appear like a child on Pod2.png?.
What i need to do to generate that “Entrada 2” and “Entrada1” appear like childs of “Publicaciones Tecnicas y Divulgativas” when I am creating a post.