Forum Replies Created
@waqas7431 , same here. Elementor version 3 is breaking all my sites. I rolled back them back to ver. 2.9.9 and all the sites are working fine. Elementor support response has been very slow, and I suspect that they are dealing with all those issues we’ve been facing. I will stay with the older version until it gets solid.
Thank you. It is now working!
Yes, I use custom templates.
For My Calendar: Grid Event Template:
<h4>{title}</h4> <span class="event-time dtstart value-title" title="{dtstart}">{time}<span class="time-separator"> - </span>{endtime before="<span class='end-time dtend' title='{dtend}'>" after="</span>"}</span> {image} </br> {description} <div class="sub-details"> {details before="<p class='mc_details'>" after="</p>"}
My Calendar: Event Details Page Template:
</br> <strong>{date}</strong></br> <span class="event-time dtstart value-title" title="{dtstart}">{time}<span class="time-separator"> - </span><span class="end-time dtend value-title" title="{dtend}">{endtime}</span></span> </br> <div class="sub-details"> {hcard} </br> <div class="mc-description">{image}{description}</div> {ical_html}</br> {gcal_link} </br></br></br>
1) I have updated to the latest version of my calendar today. It is now Version 2.4.12
2) I used another calendar plugin when developing the site and tested out. But now I have deleted the other one.
https://centrepointechildcareservices.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/Screen-Shot-2015-11-17-at-10.00.15-PM.pngStill the issue remains…
Here is the link: https://centrepointechildcareservices.com/services/centre-based-care/toddlers/
You will see a calendar on the bottom of the page. Go to February 17, 2016. I created three test events (Test 1, Test 2 and Test 3), but I can only see Test 1 on that day in the calendar.