12 years, 10 months ago
yes add font-weight:bold; font-size:25px;
And yes i wont mind a copy… may be my sales man can get find it useful ??
yes.. you can use Captcha to avoid bots filling in your forms! Thanks
[ Email redacted ] email me the file index.php i will have a look at it. Thanks
Left Align the content and right align the sidebar.. looks to me the content area is center aligned
May be they are from contact form… as it contain Subject field as well..
His ex-developer added that feature.. I m not sure if theme developer will consider is a theme issue.. it can be customized though if he provide us with the code of homepage…
Not sure where did he edited the code… can you paste the code from your index.php of your theme folder??? Thanks
Can you share a link to your site ?
You will have to edit your style.css for this… Just add the following code (at the end)
.widget-title { color: #ff0000; text-transform: capitalize; }
This will change the color to Red and will remove the All-Caps feature. Thanks
IF that is the case, then there is a tutorial for this.. See if it works
You want to print a hard copy of that post ?
Yes, Trying downloading your database sql file and replace //wp-content with /wp-content this may solve your issue! Thanks
Go to Settings-> Reading and change Blog pages show at most from 10 to 8. May be that works. thanks
Did you tried Recent post widget ????