Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 replies - 91 through 105 (of 322 total)
  • Plugin Author optimalisatie


    Hi WP_DEV,

    We do not provide support via this forum anymore due to a conflict with WordPress management. We got smeared as a spammer for posting “regards, name, email” under our replies. The moderator spent several hours to replace the signature with a link to anti-spam in 100 posts, linking to a WordPress policy text that states that advertising in topics unrelated to your own plugins or themes is not allowed, indicating that severe spam must have been posted for the moderator to behave in the way he did.

    We just provided quality free support and never advertised anything. Although we have no clue what has been the motive we simply cannot accept the slander. It is damaging to our business (our primary business is White Hat SEO services).

    The anti-spam link is slander by WordPress management with an unknown motive.

    – no previous warning
    – no communication until now
    – moderator expresses angry attitude
    – my reply to the moderator was first censored and later removed
    – the exact same signature is used by many users and has been ignored (he targeted me specifically)
    – I never advertised anything on WordPress forums
    – I was providing quality free support
    – I provide a quality free service to the WordPress platform

    If you still seek support, please post your question on Github. We will then address it quickly.

    Plugin Author optimalisatie


    Hi laura.lee!

    Thank you for your bug report!

    Although the menu is visible to regular users, the access to settings pages should be denied. The access is restricted based on the WordPress check current_user_can('manage_options').

    The menu will be improved in the next update of the plugin.

    If you require additional support, please post your question on Github:

    Plugin Author optimalisatie


    Hi Seek51,

    We do not provide support via this forum anymore due to a conflict with WordPress management. We got smeared as a spammer for posting “regards, name, email” under our replies. The moderator spent several hours to replace the signature with a link to anti-spam in 100 posts, linking to a WordPress policy text that states that advertising in topics unrelated to your own plugins or themes is not allowed, indicating that severe spam must have been posted for the moderator to behave in the way he did.

    We just provided quality free support and never advertised anything. Although we have no clue what has been the motive we simply cannot accept the slander. It is damaging to our business (our primary business is White Hat SEO services).

    The anti-spam link is slander by WordPress management with an unknown motive.

    – no previous warning
    – no communication until now
    – moderator expresses angry attitude
    – my reply to the moderator was first censored and later removed
    – the exact same signature is used by many users and has been ignored (he targeted me specifically)
    – I never advertised anything on WordPress forums
    – I was providing quality free support
    – I provide a quality free service to the WordPress platform

    Your question has been answered on Github:

    Plugin Author optimalisatie


    Hi cotestatnt,

    Thank you for reporting the problem!

    It has been added to our todo list. The issue will be solved with the next plugin update.

    Plugin Author optimalisatie


    Hi rightherebkk,

    We do not provide support via this forum anymore due to a conflict with WordPress management. We got smeared as a spammer for posting “regards, name, email” under our replies. The moderator spent several hours to replace the signature with a link to anti-spam in 100 posts, linking to a WordPress policy text that states that advertising in topics unrelated to your own plugins or themes is not allowed, indicating that severe spam must have been posted for the moderator to behave in the way he did.

    We just provided quality free support and never advertised anything. Although we have no clue what has been the motive we simply cannot accept the slander. It is damaging to our business (our primary business is White Hat SEO services).

    The anti-spam link is slander by WordPress management with an unknown motive.

    – no previous warning
    – no communication until now
    – moderator expresses angry attitude
    – my reply to the moderator was first censored and later removed
    – the exact same signature is used by many users and has been ignored (he targeted me specifically)
    – I never advertised anything on WordPress forums
    – I was providing quality free support
    – I provide a quality free service to the WordPress platform

    A similar question has been answered on Github:

    Plugin Author optimalisatie


    Hi tangobango,

    Thank you for posting the information!

    We do not provide support via this forum anymore due to a conflict with WordPress management. We got smeared as a spammer for posting “regards, name, email” under our replies. The moderator spent several hours to replace the signature with a link to anti-spam in 100 posts, linking to a WordPress policy text that states that advertising in topics unrelated to your own plugins or themes is not allowed, indicating that severe spam must have been posted for the moderator to behave in the way he did.

    We just provided quality free support and never advertised anything. Although we have no clue what has been the motive we simply cannot accept the slander. It is damaging to our business (our primary business is White Hat SEO services).

    The anti-spam link is slander by WordPress management with an unknown motive.

    – no previous warning
    – no communication until now
    – moderator expresses angry attitude
    – my reply to the moderator was first censored and later removed
    – the exact same signature is used by many users and has been ignored (he targeted me specifically)
    – I never advertised anything on WordPress forums
    – I was providing quality free support
    – I provide a quality free service to the WordPress platform

    We will provide support on Github. It has as additional benefit that questions may be addressed by other developers.

    Plugin Author optimalisatie


    Hi monster-it!

    We did not receive your email.

    Regarding the issue: the proxy URL will be hosted on your own domain. If the original URL is visible in Google PageSpeed Insights then the proxy is not active.

    We do not provide support via this forum anymore due to a conflict with WordPress management. We got smeared as a spammer for posting “regards, name, email” under our replies. The moderator spent several hours to replace the signature with a link to anti-spam in 100 posts, linking to a WordPress policy text that states that advertising in topics unrelated to your own plugins or themes is not allowed, indicating that severe spam must have been posted for the moderator to behave in the way he did.

    We just provided quality free support and never advertised anything. Although we have no clue what has been the motive we simply cannot accept the slander. It is damaging to our business (our primary business is White Hat SEO services).

    The anti-spam link is slander by WordPress management with an unknown motive.

    – no previous warning
    – no communication until now
    – moderator expresses angry attitude
    – my reply to the moderator was first censored and later removed
    – the exact same signature is used by many users and has been ignored (he targeted me specifically)
    – I never advertised anything on WordPress forums
    – I was providing quality free support
    – I provide a quality free service to the WordPress platform

    If you still need help, please post your question on Github:

    Plugin Author optimalisatie


    Hi 14gate,

    We do not provide support on this forum anymore.

    The notice is a warning, currently there is a fail safe that will automatically clean the cache directory when it reaches 5,000 files. It is safe for small servers, however, if you use auto-capture the warning may indicate that you are capturing a script with a changing URL. It is advised to configure specifically what scripts you want to capture or to use a JSON config object to capture scripts with a changing URL.

    If you have further questions, please post your request at Github support:

    — snip —

    Plugin Author optimalisatie


    Hi drazon!

    All of the features of the ABTF plugin will remain free and a lot of extra free options will be added. The new plugin will be fully compatible with the ABTF plugin. It will be a complete free solution for website performance in relation to SEO.

    We’ve discovered that the Above The Fold plugin is a good base for a plugin that intends to achieve the best possible result in HTTP performance. The new plugin will be completely redone, however, it will maintain the features and innovations in the ABTF plugin because they were already heading in the right direction.

    The main advantage of the new (extra) premium features will be that the optimization level will go a large step beyond what is possible even for big websites with dedicated development teams, automatically. The new plugin will be able to automatically deliver a performance result that is much better than our website performance engineers are able to deliver manually using the ABTF plugin, including a Google PageSpeed 100 score for unlimited pages.

    The new plugin will literally contain thousands of configuration options to enable fine-tuning of website performance.

    The new plugin is expected to be ready by March or April 2017.

    If you have additional questions, please post your request at Github:

    — snip —

    Plugin Author optimalisatie


    Hi Bluemad and Sergeantash,

    I’ve replied to the question on Github:

    Regarding the original question, the proxy cache directory has been moved to /wp-content/cache/ and now contains an auto-cleanup and monitor since v2.7.7.

    The proxy will be improved greatly in our new plugin that should be ready in a few months.

    Defamation by WordPress management

    Regarding my signatures in this and over 100 other topics being replaced with a link to anti-spam, it was “regards, name, email”. The replacement is slander by WordPress management with a yet unknown motive.

    – no previous warning
    – no communication until now
    – moderator expresses angry attitude
    – my reply to the moderator was first censored and later removed
    – the exact same signature is used by many users and has been ignored (he targeted me specifically)
    – I never advertised anything on WordPress forums
    – I was providing quality free support
    – I provide a quality free service to the WordPress platform

    I am sorry for bothering you with this, but I want to make it clear to anyone reading this forum and noticing the link to anti-spam under my posts.

    Plugin Author optimalisatie


    Hi Tangobango,

    The error you received should be impossible and is not related to the plugin.

    If you want further assistance, please post your support request on Github where other developers will be able to review your problem.

    This topic will be closed.

    — snip —

    Plugin Author optimalisatie


    Hi Tangobango,

    The plugin source on WordPress should be valid (and is already in use by many websites). The error should not be possible.

    The following code should be on line 368 in file /includes/webfonts.class.php:

    if (!empty($this->googlefonts) && isset($this->CTRL->options['gwfo_googlefonts_remove']) && !empty($this->CTRL->options['gwfo_googlefonts_remove'])) {

    Could you please check the source of that file and post the line that is visible on that location?

    Some possible explanations:

    – a virus has malformed the source code
    – the WordPress source is invalid
    – the download of the plugin was partially completed

    — snip —

    Plugin Author optimalisatie


    Hi Aamir,

    Thanks again for your feedback and tips! We are developing a new automated solution to create professional quality critical CSS for unlimited pages. It will be included in a new plugin.

    I checked your website. You are just one step away from a Google PageSpeed 100 score. The remaining issue is Leverage browser caching (HTTP cache headers).

    W3 Total Cache includes a solution to automatically configure HTTP cache headers.
    [ Signature moderated ]

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by Jan Dembowski.
    Plugin Author optimalisatie


    Hi gbengalex,

    I am suspecting that the problem is related to critical CSS (is the problem visible in the quality test?) or by a (complex) javascript render problem. It would be best to first check the critical CSS as that would cost less time.

    The problem with async loading javascript is the following: when loading scripts async the moment of execution will differ per visitor, sometimes the download is fast and the execution is before the HTML is completely loaded, sometimes the execution is after the HTML (and other scripts) are loaded. In this complex situation problems and conflicts may occur.

    Most problems can be solved by reducing complexity. For example, when scripts are combined into 1 file there is less risk of conflicts between scripts. If there is a problem with the moment of script execution it is possible to use a dom-ready callback (for example jQuery(function($){ ... });) to control the moment of execution.

    Some scripts may not be async compatible by default, for example many Google API scripts such as Google Maps and Google AdSense do not support async loading. In that case the script could be excluded from the javascript load optimization or modified to support async loading. For example, Google offers an async version for Google AdSense:

    I hope that this information is helpful!

    If you find a solution we appreciate it if you share it in this topic.

    [ Signature moderated ]

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by Jan Dembowski.
    Plugin Author optimalisatie


    Hi malessandro,

    Thank you for reporting the problem and for providing references for a solution.

    I will close this ticket.

    [ Signature moderated ]

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by Jan Dembowski.
Viewing 15 replies - 91 through 105 (of 322 total)