Forum Replies Created

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  • Open Tools


    Dear Triggvy,
    Sorry to hear that you have discontinued your nice work on the plugin. I hope that someone can take over this plugin – it appears that there are actually several developers interested. Could you please take a look at the GitHub “Issue reports” offering maintainership for the plugin and pass on the project to one of them, so it does not die?

    Thank you,

    Plugin Author Open Tools


    Dear Leonardo,
    Which PHP version do you have installed on your production server? It appears that the PHP version on the server does not support anonymous functions assigned to a variable (, which was a feature that was introduced in PHP 5.3…

    Best regards,

    Plugin Author Open Tools


    Dear Matteo,

    Thank you for the details. I asked WooThemes about the plugin. This is what they answered:

    “There are no shipping options with vendors presently, it is completely separate. So if your shipping works with the core WooCommerce then it most likely will work with the vendors extension.”

    So, the two plugins should not interfere with each other. But this also means that unless we add support for Product Vendors in our shipping plugin (i.e. implementing an evaluate_for_vendors function that uses the database taxonomy used by Product Vendors) there will be no way to implement vendor-specific shipping costs.

    What you can do right now is to assign each product of vendor 1 a category “vendor1”, each product of vendor 2 a category “vendor2” etc. Then you can use the evaluate_for_categories function.

    Best regards,

    Plugin Author Open Tools


    Dear Matteo,
    To be honest, I have no idea how well this shipping plugin works with WooThemes’ Product Vendors plugin, as we don’t have a copy of that Product Vendors plugin.

    Currently, there are no variables or functions available that you can use in your rules to distinguish which vendors are in the cart.

    Apart from that, the plugin does not do anything special, it just returns one shipping cost, like all other shipping plugins do. Are there any issues with other shipping plugins and the vendors plugin?

    Best regards,

    PS: In the next release, we’ll add some preliminary support for the WC Vendors plugin (not the Product Vendors, though), so that users can access the vendors in their rules / conditions.

    Plugin Author Open Tools


    Dear Matteo,
    Thank you for the bug report. It seems that you have php 5.3 (rather than 5.4 or above) installed on your server, which does not support a feature we had used in line 182 of the code as given in the error message.
    We have now fixed this to work with php 5.3, too.

    Could you please upgrade to version 1.1.1 of the plugin and let us know whether this fixes all the errors you encountered?

    Best regards,

    Plugin Author Open Tools


    Dear thibis,
    Please see the response to your question in our support Forum:

    Best regards,

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