Hi Mika,
Thank you for your reply. I took your suggestion and this is where I am at right now.
*For my MAIN SITE #1
1. Dashboard -> Pages -> this is where I created all the PAGES & SUBPAGES I needed. All of them showed up on my main site after I a general refesh. All the subpages have path-based urls as expected. So far so good.
2. Then, in Dashboard -> Appearance -> Menus -> this is where I made use of the “Main Menu” and “Pages” options. First, I created one “Main Menu”, then I added all the pages previously created to this “Main Menu” by selecting all the pages in the ‘Pages section’ and clicking “Add to Menu”. I refreshed my main site and nothing changed as expected. So far so good.
1. Create additional ‘SITES’ via the same template used in my main site [Please note that I am trying to maintain the same template for all the ‘Pages’].
2. Somehow redirect each ‘PAGE’ and ‘SUBPAGE’ at my main site
to all these additional ‘Sites’ I create. Is that correct? If so, how do i do that? Do I utilize the ‘Custom Links’ option in the main site’s Dashboard Menu?
Thank you so much for your help thus far. Please let me know what you think I should do next.