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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [New User Approve] User Approve By RoleThis is a feature I urgently need too.
I have people sign up via Memberpress for 3 different membership types
- Landowner
- Developer
- Local Authority
I only want user role Local Authority to need to be approved and want Landowners and Developers to be auto approved.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Activity Log] Plugin Vulnerability NotificationPerfect, thanks for getting in touch with them too.
Have a great day yourself.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Activity Log] Plugin Vulnerability NotificationThank you. I will let them know.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Yoast SEO] Conditionally no-index postsHi @maybellyne
Maybe you missed my second comment but I already resolved this with an existing filter and using a conditional statement. See the code I pasted above.
My issue now is that I need to remove posts from the sitemap.xml based on the same conditional but that’s an oversight in how the filters have been created for Sitemaps where we can’t achieve that.
I think it’s pretty essential that this is fixed in Yoast because it makes the noindexing by conditional statements sort of redundant.
I have added this as a feature request but I’m going to consider deactivating Yoast and trying to achieve this with another SEO plugin instead if it’s not something that can be fixed relatively quickly.
Here’s the feature request on GitHub for anyone who wants to comment or upvote it.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Yoast SEO] Conditionally no-index postsUpdate:
Okay, this was relatively easy to solve with the function below:
/* * no-index posts that are a specific post format */ add_filter( 'wp_robots', function(array $robots) { if ( has_post_format( 'link' )) { return array_merge( $robots, array( 'noindex' => true, 'nofollow' => true, ) ); } else { return $robots; } } );
But this leaves another issue. If these are automatically no-indexed they also need to be removed from the sitemap too, otherwise we will have an SEO issue of submitting no-indexed posts in our sitemap.
I tried to modify a filter from to create:
/* * Remove post format from Sitemap */ function sitemap_exclude_post_format( $excluded, $post_format ) { return $post_format === 'link'; } add_filter( 'wpseo_sitemap_exclude_post_format', 'sitemap_exclude_post_type', 10, 2 );
Unfortunately this doesn’t seem to work.
I just saw but I’m curious why this hasn’t been added? Or has it been added since? If not, I think it’s pretty essential to provide an easy way to use any conditional statement to alter what is in the XML sitemap.
Please advise.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Job Manager] Slow SQL Queries – Site suspendedI spoke directly with premium support. This has been fixed if you update to the latest version.
You can also see the Github conversation about this issue and the code to fix it on the old version (no longer needed if you uprade to the latest)
Hope that helps
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Job Manager] Slow SQL Queries – Site suspendedI also found version 1.40.1 and 1.40.0 break another plugins functionality by causing a 502 error.
I downgraded to 1.39.0 and it fixed that issue.
I’m not sure if it fixed the slow SQL queries but it’s possible.
Was anything major changed in 1.40.0?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Job Manager] Slow SQL Queries – Site suspendedHi @alinclamba
Thanks for that info.
We had 8000 expired jobs, I have since gone through and deleted them all manually but that didn’t solve the issue.
We have 242 jobs, 78 in trash.
I don’t think we have any job related posts though unless I’m misunderstanding.
For the jobs, the only additional things we have are:
- JobRelay – for importing jobs (JobRelay Connector, JobRelay Geolocation Data Update)
- WP Job Manager addon – Jobs Geolocation
- WP Job Manager – Applications
I don’t think we have added any additional fields and I can’t think of any other plugins we have installed that could be impacting the WP Job Manager database queries.
All of these issues started on the 17th of May, no issue with it before, it all seemed to start as soon as WordPress was auto updated to 6.2.1, nothing else changed that I could see.
Our web host wasn’t interested in helping, I ran some database optimisation tools and despite deleting the 8000 expired posts, the wp_postmeta table is still 200mb in size.
Is there a tool to remove anything from that table that WP Job Manager no longer needs?
My client purchased some premium add-ons but he can’t seem to login to the WPJobManager website so far and hasn’t heard back on his contact form request to try and seek premium support.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Yoast SEO] Yoast Word Count on Custom Taxonomy Term with ACF FieldHello,
Thank you, that’s perfect. I did see that plugin but didn’t think it was an official Yoast plugin (didn’t notice team Yoast are also under authors, I only saw the other names).
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Yoast SEO] Yoast Word Count on Custom Taxonomy Term with ACF FieldHello,
Create a custom taxonomy called (Regions)
Add an ACF WYSIWYG field to this taxonomy called “Long Description”
Create a taxonomy term called “California”
Put 50 words in the default description field
Put 250 words in the new Long Description field.
Review Yoast Analysis and it only sees 50 words and tells you to increase the length so it’s not analysing the content added to the long description.
Please advise.
Glad it worked, yeah the space dot space isn’t great, I think you could replace it with some javascript though.
I think I turned the author boxes off and used my theme ones.
Hopefully, the devs consider making what we are doing a feature and allowing a bit more control.
No problem, you’re welcome.
I used that code verbatim, but I may have adjusted some settings.
Here’s how it’s looking on my test
What are you trying to do that differs from the above?
I tried that one but couldn’t seem to achieve what I wanted, but this plugin worked for me.
Did you manage to get the other one to work for multiple authors?
John (the dev) shared the below solution once we investigated via email
Please add the piece of code below to your functions.php file (or there where you find more appropriate) and check if the author box is displaying correct information now. Please know that that author box won’t work for (Molongui) guest authors. If you have none or you have the feature disabled, no need to worry.
add_filter( '_authorship/filter/get_user_by', function( $data, $args ) { list( $filter, $user ) = $data; $fn = 'do_shortcode'; $file = 'bb-theme-builder/modules/fl-author-bio/includes/frontend.php'; $dbt = debug_backtrace( DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS, 20 ); if ( $key = array_search( $fn, array_column( $dbt, 'function' ) ) and isset( $dbt[$key]['file'] ) and substr_compare( $dbt[$key]['file'], $file, strlen( $dbt[$key]['file'] )-strlen( $file ), strlen( $file ) ) === 0 ){ $filter = false; } return array( $filter, $user ); }, 10, 2 );
There are a few limitations that would be great to solve in the future to make this approach more flexible which are
– Ability to remove the <space><dot><space> between the authors, if keeping on one line a comma without a space before would be the ideal outcome. I think controlling this with a checkbox option would be best in terms of user-experience.
– Ability to put a line break between the two authors so the “Reviewed by” author can be on a line below the writer.I hope that helps.