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  • Thread Starter on_edge


    Weird. I get the text area field for the message, but not the text fields for name, email and website. Can’t figure it out.

    Thread Starter on_edge


    Any thoughts on this?

    Thread Starter on_edge


    Worked like a charm! Again, thanks. Really appreciate it.

    Thread Starter on_edge


    Took me a minute to find one. I cleaned up a lot of them by simply removing the anchor tags. Here you go:

    Thread Starter on_edge


    Thread Starter on_edge


    Hmmm…found a glitch. I’m going back through old posts that I’ve imported in which the person entering post images left the default link to an image added. A feature I think should be disabled (image links to itself by default). Anyway, the PDF class is being added to the link for JPG post images.

    Thread Starter on_edge


    Thanks, so much.

    Thread Starter on_edge


    Found the answer. It was a matter of changing my httpd.conf file. Had to change:

    AllowOverride None to AllowOverride All

    Thread Starter on_edge


    Thanks for the suggestion. Both problems persist. Server does, indeed, have mod_rewrite.

    Thread Starter on_edge


    FYI — this is the error I get when trying to login to admin on the old server:

    Error establishing a database connection
    This either means that the username and password information in your wp-config.php file is incorrect or we can’t contact the database server at localhost. This could mean your host’s database server is down.

    Are you sure you have the correct username and password?
    Are you sure that you have typed the correct hostname?
    Are you sure that the database server is running?

    Thread Starter on_edge


    Not exactly…I had one obstacle that I had to work around. On the old server, the site had been built with WP 1.5. I’m in the process of building the new site on the new server, had some time while waiting for info from my client and decided to backup the old site. I did a successful DB backup via PHP MyAdmin. As an added safety measure, I thought I’d use WP-DB-Backup. I installed and activated the plugin and was presented with a message that said it wasn’t compatible with 1.5 and remained deactivated. I may have clicked on the wrong thing at that point. The end result was the database connection was broken.

    I could no longer login to admin (which all the instructions I’ve seen say is necessary) or view the site. So, I thought that the process of upgrading (on the old server) might put things back in order. I had to “deactivate” plugins by deleting them, since I couldn’t access admin. I copied all the upgrade files to the server and, it appeared, I was making progress, but still didn’t have the DB connection.

    The old hosting company was VERY slow to respond to support questions (24 hours per question via email) and I got frustrated waiting. So I downloaded everything to my computer, uploaded to the new server, created a DB with a new name and imported from the DB backup into the new DB.

    Now I felt I was cookin’ because I had control. And my hosting company is the best IMHO. So that’s how I got where I am now. Much of the WP portion of the new site works. The shopping section, not so much.

    Thread Starter on_edge


    That is: <a href="<?php bloginfo('url'); ?>/browse-shirts/emk/"> Forgot my backticks.

    Thread Starter on_edge


    My earlier post got cut off for some reason. Anchor is: ><a>/browse-shirts/emk/">

    Both browse-shirts and emk are WP pages.

    Unfortunately, the site I’m working on was created by someone else. This particular section is a “shopping cart” of sorts. Product is t-shirts. The entire site was created from WP, which included a blog section, this shopping cart section and general info that you’d find in any brochure-ware site. The shopping cart section was created from a combination of WP pages and static HTML pages for the product detail pages.

    I’m in the process of recreating the site with static XHTML pages for the general info, contact form, etc., a real shopping cart for the cart section, and ultimately I’ll probably try to preserve the content from the blog section.

    Long story short, I took a DB backup, moved the site to a new hosting company, upgraded WP from 1.5 to 2.51 and I’m now trying to use the existing shopping cart section so my client can continue sales while I build and enter data into the new shopping cart (I’d rather put my effort into the new cart, but that means it’s down for the interim). I put WP in the root of the site as it was before, so paths would work.

    In the process of backing up, restoring, and upgrading the database, I think some code got twisted. The browse-shirts page ended up with:
    <a>/browse-shirts/cheese/"><img class="centered" src="<?php bloginfo('url'); ?>/wp-content/shirts/cheese/cheese-browse.gif" alt="Cheese" /></a>

    This, of course duplicated the URL. I’m now trying to correct it.

    The physical directory hierarchy is: root/wp-content/shirts/emk

    browse-shirts is a WP page with links to emk and other sub-directories that represent various shirt designs and contain images for each design’s various styles, colors, etc.

    So there is a WP page called emk and a physical directory called emk.

    I’ve probably confused you more at this point. I think I’m ready for a micro-brew at my favorite watering hole. But I’ll check back in the AM to see if anyone had further thoughts. Appreciate it.

    Thread Starter on_edge


    If I set permalinks to Default, I lose the page that contains the link I’m working on.

    Thread Starter on_edge


    Oh, sorry. Misunderstood. No trailing slash. That’s the first thing I checked. It’s just:

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