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  • John:

    Are you using IE 8 or newer? I found it had compatibility issues with IE 7. Also, are you sure the page floating is tied to the plugin? Try to isolate all problems to make sure. Also, make sure the settings in the CONFIGURATION panel are set correctly (i.e., for display in pages as opposed to in the code of header.php or wherever), try getting the slideshow to display elsewhere on your site (if you have it on your front page, try on your about page, or equivalent) and make sure no other plug-ins or javascript are messing with it. Past those thoughts, pray;)



    Trust me, I know how frustrating this plug-in can be. It drove me nuts for about 3 hours.

    If you are interested in having me look deeper into, contact me through my site and we can see what we can work out. We can see if we can’t work out some mutually agreeable fee for me to look into your problems.

    Also, if you haven’t check with the developer and include your plug-ins ID code. I still haven’t heard back from him on my problem, but I was also able to fix it.

    Best of luck,

    Another thought is turning off all periphreal functions of the slideshow, i.e., the “Show Buttons”, “Show Buttons”, etc. I vaguely remember something there bugging up on IE.

    Also, you mention “‘auto post’ to the home page” which I am not sure what you mean. Did you set the slideshow to Insert on Front Page? There is a place to set it with the CONFIGURATION screen to set it to display either just on the home page or everywhere else in post. If you want it to display just on the home page, make sure to set it up that way in the CONFIGURATION page.

    It is under the “ABOUT INSERTING THE SLIDESHOW” drop down menu in CONFIGURATION.

    Otherwise, I can’t figure out what is going on without seeing everything. Hope you get it worked out.


    Here is my work around (I have x’d out specific information to our site)

    // added by xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx – in order to add the slideshow using the frontpage-slideshow plugin
    echo do_shortcode(‘[FrontpageSlideshow fs_cats=x fs_slides=x]’);

    Also, we used this in our header, instead of in a page, so we hard-coded it into our header.php file of our theme. If it is in a page or a post, it should be the same, though. Make sure there are no other plugins that are causing it to break (i.e., disable ALL other plugins and then test this plugin and then re-able plugins one at a time while testing your site in IE).

    I found if I included ALL of the shortcode it didn’t work in IE but if I only included the specific category (fs_cats) and the maximum number of slides to display (fs_slides), then it worked in all newer browsers (Chrome, Safari, IE 7 and 8, Opera and Firefox).

    Best of luck…

    I changed the transitions from:
    At the beginning: Slide Left
    At the end: Slide Right

    To the following:
    At the beginning: Jump Up/Slide Up
    At the end: Jump Up/Slide Up

    Now it displays the slide show just fine on IE (and all the other main ones I test on). Bizarre.

    Great plug-in once you get to figuring out how to muck about in it.

    Same as some of the others, works fine in every browser but IE 8 (found out the hard way – when a boss told me – as I work on Macs). Tried everything I can think of, but nothing. Deactivated all other plug-ins as suggested but that had no effect. Mucked with the code (PHP and CSS) and got it to show eventually (after about 1-2 minutes wait), but then it wouldn’t show on Firefox/Safari, etc. so I switched it back.

    Only using PNG files sized to my slideshow dimension and compressed down as much as I can (and retain decent resolution). Mind boggling, this is…

    PLUGIN ID: 12819

    Fatal Error:
    “Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING, expecting T_OLD_FUNCTION or T_FUNCTION or T_VAR or ‘}’ in /usr/local/4admin/apache/vhosts/ on line 42”
    I have WP 3.0 installed and am running PHP 5 on my servers. Any suggestions?

    Just uploaded this onto another new site and it worked fine until about 5 hours into setting up all of the pages. It then began acting as if there was an extra blank slide (i.e., it would pause the same amount of time as an actual slide before playing the rest of the slides and then do the same as it looped through).

    Found evandiaz and carlosflores comments and tried hardwiring that into my header.php file (where I have the code posted for the slideshow) and it worked immediately. Thanks for the suggestions (I wouldn’t have thought about dealing with the shortcode in a PHP file…)

    Something like this:

    // added by <yourname> in order to add the slideshow using the frontpage-slideshow plugin
    echo do_shortcode(‘[FrontpageSlideshow fs_cats=10 fs_slides=10]’);

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