Omar Reiss
Forum Replies Created
We are very sorry for the trouble many of you are experiencing. During the holidays, many of us were out, which set us back a bit in noticing and fixing this problem. The fix we released this week should’ve at least made sure the notice was only shown on the GA dashboards page. It should’ve also reduced the amount of times this error was being shown. Apparently it did not work out entirely as expected. If anyone is still seeing the notice outside of the GA dashboards page, please let us know here.
Currently we are working on a more comprehensive solution for the problem that has been described here. The code for this fix is already under review and we plan to release it early next week.
In response to the people who want to use our GA plugin only for adding the tracking code to their pages, we are also planning an option to completely disable the dashboards. Even though we think the dashboards are adding a lot of value to the plugin, we can understand that some users don’t want all the extra functionality. I hope we can ship the option to disable the dashboards with the next release but don’t pin me to it. Solving the issue with the reauthentication warning now has the highest prio.
We’ve uploaded a beta zip with a fix here:
Please let me know if this fixes your problem.
@webace creative studio mentions should be fixed in the last release (5.2.7)
@hawkeye21 In our plugin you can authenticate with Google Analytics and select the GA profile that you want to use for your website. The tracking code will automatically be added to every page. Instead of authenticating with Google, you can also manually set your tracking code in our settings. Either way, you won’t have to paste it into every page.
Seems this topic is resolved for the people in this thread.
We’ve uploaded a beta zip with a fix here:
Please let me know if this fixes your problem.