2 years, 8 months ago
Hi @rositamg , Thanks for your topic. You are using free version of WooCommerce Table Rate Shipping. Features are limited for free version.
Calculate shipping cost based on product shipping class are available in pro version. Please visit our pro version in
You can see this screenshot for see more features in pro version
2 years, 11 months ago
Hi @davidfaulkner , Thanks to you for this nice comment about our plugin table rate shipping plugin. It will help us to improve our future work.
Thanks, Acowebs Team
3 years, 3 months ago
Hi, We check your above issue and didn’t find anything like above on your site after press ctrl + f5. That means it’s your browser cash issues.
Note that, we update some code based on your feedback.
Hope we will add more widget styles in our next update.
Hi, Can you explain more? If you ask about currency storage, it’s store to site database after get current currency rate from aggregator.
3 years, 8 months ago
@knireis @thinkingcapstudios this issue already solved on our last update. Please update your installed version to latest.
@knireis @thinkingcapstudios we will update this issue in our next version. Please allow us some time for update it. It may 1 or 2 weeks. Thanks,